
[egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.28b

[1] @ !!! Niedziela, 28 Grudnia 2014 13:49 CET [28-12-2014 12:20 CET]

[egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.28b

CreatiVision emulator jest nowym projektem emulatora konsoli CreatiVision z 1981 roku firmy Vtech (tak, tak skojarzenia z VZemu są jak najbardziej na miejscu). Konsola, zyskała całkiem spore zainteresowanie (przede wszystkim ze względu na cenę) w  Australii, można było ją także nabyć w Europie - miała konkurować z produktami Intelivision i Atari 2600. Cóż, pomimo całkiem interesujących parametrów maszynce brakowało oprogramowania, poprzestano praktycznie tylko na tłuczeniu klonów najlepiej sprzedających się gier konkurencji.

Nowa wersja emulatora została opublikowana przede wszystkim dlatego, że wzbogacono go o port dla Raspberry PI, trudno więc szukać w tej wersji wielkich zmian dla innych portów.

Creativision emulator [SVN 19]

Author: cvemu | Date: 27 grudnia 2014 16:18:30

  • Raspberry Pi Makefile

Creativision emulator [SVN 18]

Author: cvemu | Date: 27 grudnia 2014 16:17:48

  • CBP2MAKE Makefiles for linux x86 and Rapsberry Pi

Creativision emulator [SVN 17]

Author: cvemu | Date: 27 grudnia 2014 15:40:11

  • Fixed sound buffer error. Ask for 512 when only 440 available in high quality sound
NOWSZY [egz] CreatiVision emulator 16/09/2023

creatiVision Emulator 23.09.18

This is a maintenance release to enable Salora Manager and Laser 2001 discs to run within the emulator.


  1. Mirroring when 16K expansion at $4000 was incorrect.
  2. TMS9918 Internal address should be set on any write to $3001
  3. Minor enhancement to SMBLoader from 2021
NOWSZY [egz] CreatiVision emulator 24/04/16

What's New in 16.04.24

  • Salora Manager / Laser 2001 Disc Controller ROM dumped
  • Salora Manager / Laser 2001 Floppy Disc Image emulation
  • Bug fixes

Now only Windows 32 bit provided


NOWSZY [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.2.9.x 20/01/15

What's New in 15.01.20

  • Salora Manager and Laser 2001 support
  • Snapshot files gzipped
NOWSZY [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.2.9.x 12/01/15

What's New in 15.01.12

  • VTech PIA and Keyboard Diagnostic cartridge works
  • VTech Memory and Video Diagnostic cartridge works
NOWSZY [egz] CreatiVision emulator

What's New in - 6th January 2015

  • F4 - Rewind cassette tape to beginning
  • -k - Patch for unverified TMS9929 addressing in Salora/Laser2001
NOWSZY [egz] CreatiVision emulator


Author: cvemu | Date: 2 stycznia 2015 15:02:10

  • Bug fix for snapshots
  • Added recovery snapshot for failed CSAVE/BSAVE etc.


Author: cvemu | Date: 2 stycznia 2015 14:42:44

  • Bug fix for CSAVE and CLOAD
  • Now uses CV Font to display terminal error message.


NOWSZY [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.29.2
Creativision Creativision Emulator:Chopper Rescue:Zanussi Elettronica:Vtech:1983
Chopper Rescue (Vtech, 1983)

T H E  C R E A T I V I S I O N  E M U L A T O R 0.29.2 - 29th December 2014

  • More tweaks for CSL cart sound.
  • Fixed minor bug in PNG writing.
  • Added PDF user manual - about time!
  • Updated cli options for border sizing.

T H E  C R E A T I V I S I O N  E M U L A T O R 0.29 - 29th December 2014

  • Screen border is back
  • New developer -g switch (Load ROM in linear mode. Useful for developers)
  • New sound core


→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.28
Creativison Planet Defender:
Planet Defender (1982?)

Creativision emulator[SVN 14]

Author: cvemu | Date: 4 czerwca 2014 13:25:36

  • EMULib May 2014 updates

Creativision emulator[SVN 13]

Author: cvemu | Date: 25 stycznia 2014 03:57:33

  • PNG static

Creativision emulator[SVN 12]

Author: cvemu | Date: 25 stycznia 2014 03:52:58

  • Switch to PNG from BMP

Creativision emulator[SVN 11]

Author: cvemu | Date: 24 stycznia 2014 21:04:37

  • TMS9918 Mode Fix

Creativision emulator[SVN 10]

Author: cvemu | Date: 24 grudnia 2013 21:26:20

  • VDP Defines

Creativision emulator[SVN 9]

Author: cvemu | Date: 24 grudnia 2013 21:23:31

  • VDP Register Decoding

Creativision emulator[SVN 8]

Author: cvemu | Date: 29 listopada 2013 11:28:11

  • Added CVGFX utility

Available Switches

  • -b Load alternative BIOS rom. Default is BIOS/BIOSCV.ROM
    By default the emulator will look in a BIOS subfolder for bioscv.rom
  • -r Load alternative ROM binary. Default is ROMS/CART.BIN
    Any game renamed to CART.BIN in the ROMS subfolder will be loaded. Use the -r option so select another.
  • -m Magnify. 2=512x384(Default) 1x to 4x zoom SDL enables scaling up to 4x windowed.
  • -f Fullscreen 4:3 Aspect, Use the entire desktop area.
  • -v VDP Debug mode enabled. Use F12 stop/step. F11 continue. This option is for developers, and dumps the contents of VDP registers 0 through 7 and the Status Register.
  • -t Trace debugger enabled. This enable EMUlibs built in 6502 debugger. Very useful for tracing through your own code.
  • -s Use High Quality sound instead of 22050 Hz, use 44100 Hz
  • -l Load CAS files at double speed. CLOAD / CRUN. This is currently unique to this emulator, in that it enables loading and loading of raw BASIC cassette files. The double speed option should only be used with BASIC83.
  • -c Set CLOAD/CSAVE filename. Default CSAVE.CAS. The name of the cassette you wish to save to or load from.
  • -p Set LLIST/LPRINT filename. Default PRINTER.TXT. An output file name for BASIC. Useful for getting straight ASCII text files.
  • -d Demo recording This enable recording to AVI of the game / demo you are running. It is uncompressed, and will create huge files!.

Emulator Keys

  • ESC Terminate emulation
  • F2 Pause game play
  • F3 Reset
  • F5 Take BMP picture
  • F7 Take snapshot
  • F8 Load snapshot
  • F10 Dump RAM and VRAM
  • F11 VDP Debug
  • F12 VDP Debug


→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.24
Egzotyczne Vtech:Creativision:Creativision Emulator:Stone Age:Creativision:1983
Stone Age (Creativision, 1983)


  • Command line interface, easily select or deselect options
  • SDL 2.0 Windowed or Full Screen streaming textures.
  • Unique BASIC cassette saving, loading and running
  • LLIST / LPRINT to file
  • Record AVI for demos or showcase
  • Single step debugging of homebrew
  • VDP Register Display
  • Take BMP In game Snapshots
  • For developers, dump RAM and VRAM at any point
  • Take snapshot of running game, keep your high scores!

Creativision emulator[SVN 7]

Author: cvemu | Date: 23 listopada 2013 10:58:44

  • Minor bug fixes

Creativision emulator[SVN 6]

Author: cvemu | Date: 17 listopada 2013 12:55:01

  • Lock down RAM to 1K

Creativision emulator[SVN 5]

Author: cvemu | Date: 16 listopada 2013 12:06:56

  • Minor corrections to utils

Creativision emulator[SVN 4]

Author: cvemu | Date: 14 listopada 2013 16:50:59

  • Utilities Import

Creativision emulator[SVN 3]

Author: cvemu | Date: 14 listopada 2013 10:47:01

  • Guard wrap round total_cycles

Creativision emulator[SVN 2]

Author: cvemu | Date: 13 listopada 2013 15:59:18

  • Initial Import 0.2.1

Creativision emulator[SVN 1]

Author: cvemu | Date: 13 listopada 2013 15:50:58

  • Add initial directories
wstecz28/12/2014 13:49
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