
[egz] CreatiVision emulator 16/09/2023

[0] @ !!! Sobota, 16 Września 2023 22:43 CET [16-09-2023 22:42 CET]

[egz] CreatiVision emulator 16/09/2023

CreatiVision emulator jest nowym projektem emulatora konsoli CreatiVision z 1981 roku firmy Vtech (tak, tak skojarzenia z VZemu są jak najbardziej na miejscu), Funvision, Disk Smith Wizzard i Hanimex Rameses a od tej wersji również Laser 2001 i Salora Manager Computers.

creatiVision Emulator 23.09.18

This is a maintenance release to enable Salora Manager and Laser 2001 discs to run within the emulator.


  1. Mirroring when 16K expansion at $4000 was incorrect.
  2. TMS9918 Internal address should be set on any write to $3001
  3. Minor enhancement to SMBLoader from 2021
→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator 24/04/16

What's New in 16.04.24

  • Salora Manager / Laser 2001 Disc Controller ROM dumped
  • Salora Manager / Laser 2001 Floppy Disc Image emulation
  • Bug fixes

Now only Windows 32 bit provided


→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.2.9.x 20/01/15

What's New in 15.01.20

  • Salora Manager and Laser 2001 support
  • Snapshot files gzipped
→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.2.9.x 12/01/15

What's New in 15.01.12

  • VTech PIA and Keyboard Diagnostic cartridge works
  • VTech Memory and Video Diagnostic cartridge works
→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator

What's New in - 6th January 2015

  • F4 - Rewind cassette tape to beginning
  • -k - Patch for unverified TMS9929 addressing in Salora/Laser2001
→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator


Author: cvemu | Date: 2 stycznia 2015 15:02:10

  • Bug fix for snapshots
  • Added recovery snapshot for failed CSAVE/BSAVE etc.


Author: cvemu | Date: 2 stycznia 2015 14:42:44

  • Bug fix for CSAVE and CLOAD
  • Now uses CV Font to display terminal error message.


→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.29.2
Creativision Creativision Emulator:Chopper Rescue:Zanussi Elettronica:Vtech:1983
Chopper Rescue (Vtech, 1983)

T H E  C R E A T I V I S I O N  E M U L A T O R 0.29.2 - 29th December 2014

  • More tweaks for CSL cart sound.
  • Fixed minor bug in PNG writing.
  • Added PDF user manual - about time!
  • Updated cli options for border sizing.

T H E  C R E A T I V I S I O N  E M U L A T O R 0.29 - 29th December 2014

  • Screen border is back
  • New developer -g switch (Load ROM in linear mode. Useful for developers)
  • New sound core


→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.28b

Creativision emulator [SVN 19]

Author: cvemu | Date: 27 grudnia 2014 16:18:30

  • Raspberry Pi Makefile

Creativision emulator [SVN 18]

Author: cvemu | Date: 27 grudnia 2014 16:17:48

  • CBP2MAKE Makefiles for linux x86 and Rapsberry Pi

Creativision emulator [SVN 17]

Author: cvemu | Date: 27 grudnia 2014 15:40:11

  • Fixed sound buffer error. Ask for 512 when only 440 available in high quality sound
→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.28
Creativison Planet Defender:
Planet Defender (1982?)

Creativision emulator[SVN 14]

Author: cvemu | Date: 4 czerwca 2014 13:25:36

  • EMULib May 2014 updates

Creativision emulator[SVN 13]

Author: cvemu | Date: 25 stycznia 2014 03:57:33

  • PNG static

Creativision emulator[SVN 12]

Author: cvemu | Date: 25 stycznia 2014 03:52:58

  • Switch to PNG from BMP

Creativision emulator[SVN 11]

Author: cvemu | Date: 24 stycznia 2014 21:04:37

  • TMS9918 Mode Fix

Creativision emulator[SVN 10]

Author: cvemu | Date: 24 grudnia 2013 21:26:20

  • VDP Defines

Creativision emulator[SVN 9]

Author: cvemu | Date: 24 grudnia 2013 21:23:31

  • VDP Register Decoding

Creativision emulator[SVN 8]

Author: cvemu | Date: 29 listopada 2013 11:28:11

  • Added CVGFX utility

Available Switches

  • -b Load alternative BIOS rom. Default is BIOS/BIOSCV.ROM
    By default the emulator will look in a BIOS subfolder for bioscv.rom
  • -r Load alternative ROM binary. Default is ROMS/CART.BIN
    Any game renamed to CART.BIN in the ROMS subfolder will be loaded. Use the -r option so select another.
  • -m Magnify. 2=512x384(Default) 1x to 4x zoom SDL enables scaling up to 4x windowed.
  • -f Fullscreen 4:3 Aspect, Use the entire desktop area.
  • -v VDP Debug mode enabled. Use F12 stop/step. F11 continue. This option is for developers, and dumps the contents of VDP registers 0 through 7 and the Status Register.
  • -t Trace debugger enabled. This enable EMUlibs built in 6502 debugger. Very useful for tracing through your own code.
  • -s Use High Quality sound instead of 22050 Hz, use 44100 Hz
  • -l Load CAS files at double speed. CLOAD / CRUN. This is currently unique to this emulator, in that it enables loading and loading of raw BASIC cassette files. The double speed option should only be used with BASIC83.
  • -c Set CLOAD/CSAVE filename. Default CSAVE.CAS. The name of the cassette you wish to save to or load from.
  • -p Set LLIST/LPRINT filename. Default PRINTER.TXT. An output file name for BASIC. Useful for getting straight ASCII text files.
  • -d Demo recording This enable recording to AVI of the game / demo you are running. It is uncompressed, and will create huge files!.

Emulator Keys

  • ESC Terminate emulation
  • F2 Pause game play
  • F3 Reset
  • F5 Take BMP picture
  • F7 Take snapshot
  • F8 Load snapshot
  • F10 Dump RAM and VRAM
  • F11 VDP Debug
  • F12 VDP Debug


→ [egz] CreatiVision emulator 0.24
Egzotyczne Vtech:Creativision:Creativision Emulator:Stone Age:Creativision:1983
Stone Age (Creativision, 1983)


  • Command line interface, easily select or deselect options
  • SDL 2.0 Windowed or Full Screen streaming textures.
  • Unique BASIC cassette saving, loading and running
  • LLIST / LPRINT to file
  • Record AVI for demos or showcase
  • Single step debugging of homebrew
  • VDP Register Display
  • Take BMP In game Snapshots
  • For developers, dump RAM and VRAM at any point
  • Take snapshot of running game, keep your high scores!

Creativision emulator[SVN 7]

Author: cvemu | Date: 23 listopada 2013 10:58:44

  • Minor bug fixes

Creativision emulator[SVN 6]

Author: cvemu | Date: 17 listopada 2013 12:55:01

  • Lock down RAM to 1K

Creativision emulator[SVN 5]

Author: cvemu | Date: 16 listopada 2013 12:06:56

  • Minor corrections to utils

Creativision emulator[SVN 4]

Author: cvemu | Date: 14 listopada 2013 16:50:59

  • Utilities Import

Creativision emulator[SVN 3]

Author: cvemu | Date: 14 listopada 2013 10:47:01

  • Guard wrap round total_cycles

Creativision emulator[SVN 2]

Author: cvemu | Date: 13 listopada 2013 15:59:18

  • Initial Import 0.2.1

Creativision emulator[SVN 1]

Author: cvemu | Date: 13 listopada 2013 15:50:58

  • Add initial directories
wstecz16/09/2023 22:43
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