
[GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.8 17/03/2020

[0] @ !!! Niedziela, 22 Marca 2020 02:13 CET [22-03-2020 02:13 CET]

[GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.8 17/03/2020

BgB jest emulatorem konsoli GameBoy i Color GameBoy, który w zasadzie posiada wszystko, co powinien mieć ten typ emulatora, od filtrów poprawiających jakość (albo pogorszających, w zależności od gustu), po możliwość gry poprzez sieć.

1.5.8 (2020-03-17)

  • Added mode where RTC stays at real time. Accuracy improvements. improved speedrun mode. Fixed graphics not showing on some wine setups. Improved fullscreen pageflipped mode. Improvements to debugger. Fixed many bugs.
NOWSZY [GB/CGB] BgB 1.6.3 05/05/2024

New in BGB 1.6.3 (2024-05-05)

  • Added "MGB reality" (gameboy pocket) colorscheme and frame blend and doubler, and setting to automatically switch between DMG and MGB colorscheme and border
  • Fixed a number of bugs

New in BGB 1.6.2 (2024-03-01)

  • Fixed a number of stability related bugs
  • Improved accuracy of joypad timing

New in BGB 1.6.1 (2024-02-01)

  • Fixed a bug where the game state could get corrupted in a rare edge case

New in BGB 1.6 (2024-01-29)

  • Added rewind key (default: Tab) and reverse tracing

  • Added support for loading and saving PNG images (windows XP and later)
  • GB Camera emulation (using webcam, image file, or test pattern)
  • Added support for x2, x3, x4 scale border images. Ability to apply doubler to x1 and SGB borders
  • Improved GBC color options, including "GBC reality" and custom 3d LUT support (GBI compatible PNG format)
  • realistic simulation of DMG and GBC LCD with new doublers (up to x4 scale) and frame blending options. new "DMG reality" colorscheme.
  • Separate configurable border image and colors for SGB, and ability to show border image until a SGB border is set.
  • changed default to the original, lighter, BGB 0.3 colorscheme. The darker "BGB LCD green" can still be chosen.
  • new lock aspect ratio option, and ratio can be customized
  • rapid A/B speed is now configurable, and default speed now works with more games
  • mappable buttons can now be combinations with Ctrl, Alt, Shift. Ctrl+R is now an alternative shortcut for reset in the debugger.
  • renamed "access breakpoints" to "watchpoints" to follow standard naming used by other gameboy debuggers
  • "copy code" in the debugger in a format that can be edited and pasted back in modify code.
  • common register names such as rLCDC, rNR10 can now be input in the debugger.
  • Ability for breakpoint or watchpoint to log a debug message instead of breaking
  • Xaudio2 sound output can now be automatically chosen by default
  • Default audio samplerate is now automatic based on OS mixer samplerate (typically 48000 or 44100)
  • Changed save filename handling of gzipped roms. old save files are still loaded. Setting for old behavior.
  • Ini settings so debugger, vram viewer, and IO map windows can be visible on startup
  • Improved accuracy
  • Fixed many bugs

New in BGB 1.5.11 (2024-01-29)

  • Bug and problem fixes and accuracy improvements only. New features are in 1.6.


NOWSZY [GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.10 18/10/2021

New in BGB 1.5.10 (2022-10-18)

  • Added experimental Xaudio2 support
  • Improved performance of VRAM viewer
  • Added support for "correct" order MMM01
  • Wine fixes: no graphcs on some setups. font related fixes.
  • Many accuracy improvements
  • Fixed many bugs
NOWSZY [GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.9 23/04/2021

1.5.9 (2021-04-23)

  • Added Xinput support, fixes: gamepad stops working if bgb loses focus in windows 10. Re-run the configure wizard to utilize Xinput.
  • Improved sound accuracy. "voice" sound works in perfect dark, donkey kong country, medarot 5 and others. added PCM registers.
  • Improved HuC3 support (robopon sun, pocket family)
  • Improvement to speedrun mode
  • Added support for BESS, one can now interchange save states between bgb and other supporting emulators such as Sameboy
  • Added support for the homebrew TPP1 mapper
  • Many accuracy improvements
  • Fixed many bugs
→ [GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.7
Pinball Deluxe (Gametek)

1.5.7 (2018-09-14)

  • Greatly improved accuracy, including pinball deluxe/fantasies, japanese crystal, koro dice, and many test roms
  • speedrun mode
  • recovery save state
  • mappable button to start/stop recording audio/video
  • setting to not break on invalid opcode, instead hang as in reality
  • Made available a 64 bits version
  • MBC1 multicart (MBC1M) support
  • Improvements to debugger, including undo rom edits, ctrl+tab changes active control.
  • Fixed many bugs
→ [GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.6

New in BGB 1.5.6 (2017-12-06)

  • Fixed regression: choppy framerate and sound glitches after pause.
→ [GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.5

BGB 1.5.5 (2017-11-27)

  • Added support for GUI display scaling. Improved input lag on 120 Hz display mode. Improvements to debug messages. A number of bug fixes and small improvements.
→ [GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.4

version history

  • 1.5.4 (2017-07-17) - Fixed regression: pokemon yellow broken in SGB mode. Fixed a number of bugs.
→ [GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.3
Snoopy (Kemco/Seika, Oct, 1990)

version history

  • New in BGB 1.5.3 (2017-03-04) - Accuracy improvements, including: pokemon (all versions) now has correct TID for speedruns. Fixed a large number of bugs and problems, including: "uncoverable direct3d error" on some Optimus laptops. Added improved support for automation/commandline use. Significant performance/efficiency improvement with most roms. Added support for loading RTC .sav files where a timestamp in the future does not (incorrectly) advance time.
  • New in BGB 1.5.2 (2015-08-17) - Fixed a large number of bugs and problems, including: glitches in pokemon linking. Screensaver now doesn't start if you play with gamepad. Crash/stability fixes. Many small improvements, including efficiency improvements. Added support for more joypad axes (xbox 360 controller). Various debugger GUI improvements including local symbols.
→ [GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.1

BGB 1.5.1

  • Fixed a number of bugs, including Donkey Kong Land and possibly other roms being broken, and a bug that caused it to sometimes not work on a secondary monitor.

New in BGB 1.5

  • AVI writer
  • Greatly improved efficiency (about 10-30% faster, depending on the system)
  • Improved accuracy
  • Improved sound quality
  • Lower audio latency
  • Preview screenshots in select state window
  • Improvements to debugger, including selectable RGBDS or WLA assembler syntax, "ld d,d" debug messages, and editing the palette in the vram viewer.
  • Fixed a large number of bugs, including "alt+F4 loads state", and "timing in LSDJ is unstable"
wstecz22/03/2020 02:13
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