
[n64] Simple64 v2023.08.4 18/08/2023

[0] @ !!! Poniedziałek, 21 Sierpnia 2023 01:37 CET [17-02-2023 12:12 CET]

Dawniej M64p a teraz po prostu Simple64. Fork muppena - emulatora Nintendo64 z paraLLEl-RDP (emulacja chipu graficznego N64, napisanego praktycznie od nowa i wykorzystującej bibliotekę Vulcan, czyli jest ciut szybciej) i frontendu, który tak samo jak emulator zmienił on nazwę na simple64gui.

Całość to ciekawa alternatywa dla statecznych, emerytowanych projektów emulacji tej konsoli, dodatkowo moduł gry sieciowej a przede wszystkim ciągła praca i kolejne nowe aktualizację poprawiające udawanie Nintendo 64 - czego chcieć więcej...


Castlevania (1999, Konami)

Simple64 v2023.08.4 18/08/2023

  • Fix VRU on windows
  • Play audio at native sample rate (let OS resample if needed)

Simple64 v2023.08.3 11/08/2023

  • Windows build compiled against UCRT rather than MSVCRT
  • Changed the way RSP tasks are scheduled. This should hopefully result in a large performance boost for the emulator.

Simple64 v2023.08.2 5/08/2023

Lego Racer (1999, Lego Interactive). Gfx ReShade + Simple64
  • Disabled supersampled readbacks during netplay (can cause desyncs)

Simple64 v2023.08.1 4/08/2023

  • Small bug fixes in the netplay lobby code
  • Fix for #381

Simple64 v2023.07.6 26/07/2023

  • Hotkeys can now be configured in the settings.
  • Reverted some timing changes from the last release that made things run slower than normal.


Simple64 v2023.07.5 26/07/2023

  • Update Parallel RDP to the latest release

Simple64 v2023.07.4 26/07/2023

Cruis'n World (1996, Nintendo)
  • Some timing tweaks
  • Fix for diagonal input values when using the keyboard

Simple64 v2023.07.3 19/07/2023

  • Hopefully a fix for some games that have been freezing (notably Jet Force Gemini and Conkers).

Simple64 v2023.07.2 10/07/2023

Top Gear Rally (1997, Kemco)
  • Fix a crash in some games

Simple64 v2023.07.1 8/07/2023

Simple64 v2023.06.1 26/04/2023

  • Bug fix for out-of-bounds RDRAM reads mupen64plus/mupen64plus-core#1006
  • Bug fix for netplay desync when one or more players has the expansion pak disabled
  • GNU lightning updated to 2.2.2 in Parallel RSP
  • Netplay server re-written from C++/Qt to Go. Please report any new netplay bug

Simple64 v2023.04.12 26/04/2023

  • Fix an issue where controller wouldn't respond after being disconnected and reconnected

Simple64 v2023.04.11 11/04/2023

  • Update Parallel-RDP

Simple64 v2023.02.3 23/03/2023

  • Remove some deprecated Discord code

Simple64 v2023.02.2 14/02/2023

  • A small fix for ParaLLEl-RDP + AMD GPUs

Simple64 v2023.02.1 14/02/2023

  • Update Parallel-RDP to latest release

Simple64 v2023.01.2

  • Rasky's systembench ROM recently added tests for the Serial Interface (controller) timings. I've updated simple64 to try and match those timings.

Simple64 v2023.01.1

  • Fix for RSP cycle calculations



wstecz21/08/2023 01:37
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