
[VCS] Stella 3.9.x SVN2668

[1] @ !!! Wtorek, 12 Marca 2013 23:30 CET [12-03-2013 23:30 CET]

[VCS] Stella 3.9.x SVN2668

I jeszcze poprawka w emulatorze starej konsoli ATARI - Video Computer System 2600, albo według nazwy prototypu i bodajże roweru jednego z autorów tej jednej z najważniejszych i najpopularniejszych konstrukcji z początku lat osiemdziesiątych.

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2668]

Author: stephena | Date: 12 marca 2013 18:30:42

  • Changed PC indicator colour on the advice of someone who is partly colour-blind; the old (light) colour was very hard to see. Actually, I agree with that assessment, even though I'm not colour-blind myself.

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2667]

Author: stephena | Date: 12 marca 2013 18:14:00

  • Only mark actual undefined opcodes as defined by DASM as being undefined. The rest are defined but illegal, which is different (mostly because many ROMs released in the past 10 years make extensive use of illegal opcodes).

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2666]

Author: stephena | Date: 11 marca 2013 20:43:19

  • More fixes to debugger disassembly for DASM. The code now prints out-of-range labels for cases where a label is in the middle of a multi-byte instruction (Kool Aid Man), and properly indicates mirrors of TIA read/write addresses (Meltdown).

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2665]

Author: stephena | Date: 10 marca 2013 23:12:37

  • Some debugger/disassembly work:
    • - Removed 'SKIP' directive, since it wasn't implemented anyway, and I see no way to implement it
    • - Add 'aflag' setting to diassembly output, matching usage in Distella. This is needed for diassembly output, otherwise DASM barfs on the code.
    • - Fixed several long-standing bugs in Distella disassembly wrt ROW directives and labeling. Previously, the output you see in the debugger wasn't completely correct, since it wasn't compiling properly in DASM.
    • - Illegal opcodes are now shown as .byte directives; this allows the code to compile in DASM.
    • - Print 16 bytes per line in .byte directive in external disassembly, same as Distella.

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2664]

Author: stephena | Date: 10 marca 2013 20:53:52

  • Updated properties database for BasketBall; it needed joysticks swapped.

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2662]

Author: stephena | Date: 7 marca 2013 18:41:19

  • Fixed "new console created" messages appearing when loading a ROM from the launcher. This message should only appear when *reloading* a ROM, not creating a new one completely.

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2659]

Author: stephena | Date: 5 marca 2013 19:01:55

  • Added equates used to the disassembled output. This is the same as how DiStella works, so you don't have to include a vcs.h file.

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2657]

Author: stephena | Date: 5 marca 2013 00:35:26

  • First pass at adding diassembly output from the debugger. It's already working quite well for a single-bank ROM, but more work is required for multi-bank. Output is currently sent to the console, as I'm still in the formatting phase. Saving to a file will be easy once the format is nailed down.

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2654]

Author: stephena | Date: 4 marca 2013 01:42:32

  • Updated Visual Studio project build to support binaries for Windows XP.

[tsearc=stella]Stella[/tsearch] [SVN 2653]

Author: stephena | Date: 4 marca 2013 00:03:34

  • Bumped version #, to start work on 3.9.
wstecz12/03/2013 23:30
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