
[C64] Commodore Free Nr 97

[1] @ !!! środa, 29 Listopada 2023 01:41 CET [29-11-2023 01:40 CET]

[C64] Commodore Free Nr 97

Wow, po 6 latach przerwy powraca Commodore Free - czyli dość zgrabny zestaw newsów poświęconych sprzętowi CBM i retrozagadnieniom, w dodatku całkowicie za darmo (a nie jest to znów takie częste, bo ilość tytułów, gdzie należy coś wpłacić jest spora).

Miło! Jeszcze gdyby Lotek, chciałby się zrestartować byłby naprawdę miły powrót do starych, dobrych czasów. Miejmy nadzieję, że energii starczy na kolejnych 100 numerów.


Commodore Free #97

Commodore Free Issue 97 (1/2023)



  • Editorial Page 2
  • Morcambe and Retro Page 4
  • CEX Complete Entaitainment Exchange Page 8
  • Vic 20 news Page 10
  • General News Page 14
  • Amiga News Page 15
  • C64 News Page 16
  • Amiga and pet News Page 17
  • Why did we use tape Page 18
  • SID software Page 18
  • Vic games review Page 19
  • Amok Vic 20 Page 25
  • Super Amok Page 26
  • Bezerk 2010 Page 26
  • Soundpaint Page 27
  • Alternitaves to soundpaint Page 29
→ [C64] Commodore Free Nr 96

Commodore Free #96

Commodore Free 96 Cover


  • Editorial
  • General News
    • Retro Asylum Podcast – 147
    • Retro Computer Event
    • Gamedeed.com
    • Kilobyte Magazine – Issue 2
    • Commodore History
    • exSID USB
    • WinMTAP – v1.0
    • C2NEmu
    • Return – Issue 26,27
    • Monty Python sketch performed by speech synthesisers
    • Commodore software website update
    • History of Personal Computing – Episode 45,46 – Jason Compton & Jason Timmons
    • The Retrogaming Times – Issue 4
    • Commodore back in Germany
    • How ROM Carts Work
    • Star Trek 25th Anniversary Playthrough
    • Eight Bit Magazine – Issue 2
    • Steve Hammond Interview
    • JSIDPlay2 – v3.7
    • Usborne Books Download
    • Mega65 News
    • Retro Programmer
    • New Commodore websites online
    • Retro Innovations
    • Vegas Expo Videos
    • Retro Asylum Podcasts
    • The Retro Hour – Episode 31 – Jim Sachs
    • Bunkerparty – 2016
    • Sprite Castle
    • Karl Hörnell Interview
  • C64 News
    • Hot Style – Issue 4
    • Shotgun
    • Kick Assembler – v4.4
    • VChar64 – v0.1.0
    • Fort Django
    • SID Known – v1.12
    • Regenerator – v1.7
    • CGSC – v1.33
    • C64games.de
    • C64: The great refurbishing
    • C64xs
    • Virtuoso – v0.99
    • MixSID
    • FREEZE64 – Issue 5
    • C64 Endings
    • Quod Init Exit – v1.6
    • Miomodo [stereo]
    • Holy Camels
    • SwinSID Ultimate Configurator
    • World Conquest
    • Pixcen – v0.7.0.13
    • Lotek64 – Issue 53
    • Wcrush – v0.7b
    • Tapex
    • Hmmm... I also found this
    • Light Hammer – v2.0
    • Cynthcart – v2.0
    • Scene World – Issue 26
    • Gamebase 64 – v15
    • Games That Weren’t
    • Polish garage still using a C64
    • Reset C64 4KB Game Coding Comp – 2016
    • Flashing C64
    • 80-column CGA to RGB converter
    • Snafu'64
    • C64 Charset Logo Generator
    • Commodore SX-64 Repair
    • Silicom Tunnel
    • Custom Built Commodore PSU
    • The Internet for Commodore Users
  • VIC 20 News
    • VIC20 Penultimate Cartridge
    • Vicious Jamz
    • Dropout
    • VIC-20 Reloaded
    • It Came from the Grave
    • VICrossroads
    • Hat Trick
    • VICScript – v0.1
  • C16 and Plus/4 News
    • Botticelli Bilderdisk – #41
    • Crackers’ Demo – 5
    • Pac-Pac
    • YAPE – v1.0.11
    • Pentagram
    • Club Info – #143
    • Plus/4 Game Music Collection 1984-2016
    • Bomb Runner
  • PET News
    • PET Diagnostic
  • Amiga News
    • Icaros Desktop – 2.1.3
    • Vampire 500 – v2
    • Komoda & Amiga Plus – Issue 5
    • Amiga Future – Issue 122
    • The Retro Hour – Amiga Format Magazine
    • AMIcast – Episode 16
    • Amigos Podcast
    • Flod
    • Amiga Racer – v3.62
    • Super Robin
    • Retro 7-bit
    • Prisma Megamix Music Card Available On AmigaKit.com
    • Personal Paint 7.3b for AmigaOS 3
    • Amiga DevCon – 2016
    • AMIcast - Text Interview 7 – David Brunet - Obligement
    • DCFS and LNFS Explained
    • Internet Archive posted 10,000 browser-playable Amiga titles
    • Amibian
    • New Amiga hardware developments
    • Retro Commodore
    • Chroma - AROS
    • Vampire 2 Review
    • WHDLoad
    • Amiga and the 5th audio channel
    • Vampire 500 – v2
    • BoingsWorld – Issue 78
    • Dir Me Up – v3.0
    • MeteMP3
    • Ignition - AmigaOS 4.x – Beta 4
    • ACE - MorphOS – v1.12
    • Amiga Future – Issue 123
    • Happiga
    • AmigaRemix
  • Happy Programming  [John Fielden]
  • Interview With Steve Morrow – Commodore 64 Brain
  • Interview With SMILA  [Damian Caynes]
  • Interview with Slartibartfast  [Joonas Lindberg]
  • C64 Code Hacking  [Damian Caynes]
  • Interview with Martin Piper – SEUCK Redux Project  [Damian Caynes]
  • SuperBoot – v1.00 – for SuperCPU  [Bert Novilla]
→ [C64] Commodore Free Nr 95

Commodore Free #95

Commodore Free 95



  • Editorial
  • General News
    • IND
    • L’Abbaye des Morts to Megadrive/C64
    • Announcing the Pacific Commodore Expo NW
    • Reverse Engineering of the 1541
    • Retro Academy - MiST
    • C64 Intros Reorganizer
    • FRGCB
    • The Games-Coffer
    • Retro Commodore
    • New C64 Book Launch and New Amiga Kickstarter
  • C64 News
    • DirMenu Updated
    • Protovision News
    • ECCC/VCFMW 2016 Pictures
    • Sprite Castle
    • C64 Endings
    • Photos of CommVEx v12 2016
    • International Karate in Stereo
    • Galza-24 (C64 Edition)
    • Jumpman Edit – V0.9
    • Check64
    • Yatzy
    • Reset – Issue 9
    • Attitude – Issue 17
    • Dual Core C64
    • C64Studio – v4.8
    • Protovision News
    • Films Starring The C64
    • Virtuoso – 0.99
    • 20 Years HVSC
    • ASM Version of V2 Basic Starfield Intro – with smooth Scrolling (ASM beginner level)
    • t64fix – 0.1
    • Kill the Alien
  • VIC 20 News
    • Athanor
    • Micro VICious
    • WonderVIC
    • Ultimem RAM-Expansion Chooser
    • NuBasic4
    • Exit Plan Z
    • Athanor
    • Micro Vicious
    • Vic 20 Repair Video
  • C16 and Plus/4 News
    • Club Info – #142
    • Frutty Man
    • TED Implemented In FPGA
  • Pet News
    • Space Chase
  • Amiga News
    • AMIcast Issue 013
    • Flashtro Amiga
    • Amigos
    • Boingsworld – Issue 77
    • ZX-Live - Amiga
    • AISS – 4.21
    • AmigaKit.com Product News
    • Public Release of MorphOS Software Development Kit – 3.10
    • Enhancer Software Retail Box Available
  • Commodore SID Chip
  • Interview with Andreas Beermann – Creator of FPGASID
  • Growing Pains – Part Siv – Where I Learned To Code In Style  [Lenard R. Roach]
  • Review: DUBCRT – Commodore 64 Limited Cartridge (PAL only)
  • Interview with Tim Koch – Creator of DUBCART
  • Growing Pains – Part Sex – “The Program That Never Was”  [Lenard R. Roach]
  • Review: Space Chase on the PET


→ [C64] Commodore Free Nr 90

Commodore Free Issue 90

pdf Commodore:Commodore Free:90
Commodore Free issue #90


  • Editorial
  • General News
    • Decompiler
  • C64 News
    •     The Story of the C64 in Pixels
    •     1541 Diagnostic Cartridge – v1.0
    •     CharPad – v2 beta
    •     Wi-Fi
    •     PyD64Fix
    •     Arc64 – v2.6
    •     Get to the End [final version]
    •     Contiki BBS – v0.2.7.1
    •     Spindle – 2.1
    •     D64 Disk Dumper – v0.1
    •     Escape-Man 87 [2015 version]
    •     Gigasoft Windows 3
    •     Brilliant Maze – v1.1
    •     Crack and Train Like a Pro
    •     CommVEx Videos
    •     South Game
    •     SID Known – v1.10
    •     Servant64
    •     High Voltage SID Collection – #63
    •     SEUCK Compo – 2015 Results
    •     Spix In Space
    •     Jeroen Tel - Tel Me More
  • VIC 20 News
    •     VIC20 Controlled K9 Dog
    •     VIC GCart Jr
  • Amiga News
    •     Amiga Diagnostic Kit from Commodore
    •     AmiCraft
    •     Amiga Future – #115
    •     Amiga PCB Explorer
    •     Amiga Reloaded
    •     Assist – v2.12 – AmigaOS 4
    •     WHDLoad
    •     A1200 Computer Enclosure – Kickstarter
    •     AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition SDK Now Available
    •     Bubble Shooter DX released
    •     V.A.M.P. – v1.36
    •     Tech Time Warp – Back in the Day, The Hot Tech Rivalry was Amiga vs Atari
    •     Amiga Hits the Big Three 'O'
    •     ACA 1221 – Low Cost Accelerator From AmigaKit.com
    •     AmiModRadio – All Aminet modules at your fingertips
    •     XAMOS Author Stephen Harvey-Brooks (Mequa) Has Passed Away
    •     AmiKit 8.5 – Summer Adventure Update
    •     David Lowe's Amiga Remixes Album
    •     Minimig AGA for the MiST v1.0 – Slam Tilt support
    •     Amiga Remixes Album by Instant Remedy
    •     US Public School AC Still Controlled by Amiga from the 80s
    •     Shadow of the Beast: – Amiga classic returns from the darkness
  • Decompiler Technologies  [Jeremy Smith]
  • Happy Programming on the C16/+4  [John Fielden]
  • Review: Demons of Dex – For the unexpanded VIC 20
  • Growing Pains  [Lenard R. Roach]
  • Review: Shifted – For the Commodore PET
  • Thanks for the Memory  [Lenard R. Roach]
  • A View of Commodore from Four Legs  [Theodore J. Sheepdog]
→ [C64] Commodore Free Nr 89

Commodore Free Issue 89

pdf Commodore:Commodore Free
Commodore Free #89


  • Editorial
  • General News
  • Commodore 64 News
  • Amiga News
  • Vic 20 and Plus 4 News
  • Xplode Man for the Plus 4 review
  • Interview with Sean Peck
  • Creator of Kipperterm 128
  • NEW CASE BY Terry Raymond
  • REVIEW METEOR DEFENDER AMIGA BY Bartosz Debski for Commodore Free
  • Commodore Free Game review 10x10
  • For the Amiga Reviewed by Bartosz Debski
→ [C64] Commodore Free Nr 88

Commodore Free Issue 88

PDF Commodore:Commodore Free:Nr. 88:magazyn
Commodore Free Nr. 88


  • Editorial
  • General News
    • ASM80 Update
    • Floppy Disks
    • Homebuilt MOS 6502 Laptop
    • The Games-Coffer Website
    • Cassiopei – V20150314 – Firmware Update
    • TAP Manager – 1.0.2
    • Raspberry Pi SID player
    • RECOIL – 3.2.0
    • Jakadapter – v2.1
  • C64 News
    • GameBase 64 – v13
    • Commodore C64C Molds Found
    • F1 Race
    • GB2SD
    • Sidplay64 – v0.9
    • Ultima IV Remastered
    • CC65 Game Files
    • Reset – Issue 6
    • Bruce Lee II Released
    • Durex Forth – 1.32
    • Trance Sector Ultimate
    • ptap – v0.37
    • JiffyDOS Mod for Dolphin DOS Kernal
    • Commando Arcade Updates
    • D64 Editor – 0.034
    • Diskcipher
    • JSIDDevice – 3.5
    • CheeseCutter – v2.7.1
    • Colour Confusion
    • Snatch McBlagger
    • S-F-S – Special Forces Soldier
    • LoadStar – Where to Get
    • Game Corner – Q4/2014
    • VChar64
    • Sidplayer YouTube Channel
    • Scene World – #24
    • GoatTracker – Mac 2.73
    • Relaunch64 – 3.3.2
    • Shoot or Die
  • VIC 20 News
    • VIC Listings
    • Bluetooth Speech Synthesis for the VIC20
    • Scrap Yard Scrapes – For the Unexpanded VIC
    • Knossoss – For the Unexpanded VIC
    • VIC 20 Listings Website Released
  • C16 and Plus/4 News
    • Directory Browser – V1.0
    • Club Info – #137
  • PET News
    • TPUG Archive Updates
  • Not enough PET News
  • Amiga News
    • Portable Amiga A1200
    • Amiga 1000 Velvet – Rev.03
    • Quartet – Girlfriend
    • Amiga Future – #113
    • Swamp Defense 2
    • Ryoe MKII adapter
    • Abbaye des Morts
    • Best Amiga Games From 2014
    • Amiga 30th Anniversary
    • AIFF and PCX Plugins for Hollywood Released
    • Obligement
    • New External Floppy Drives
    • Hatari – v1.8.0
    • A-EON Technology Acquires OctaMED
    • AMIcast – Episode 1
    • AmiKit on Bootable Flash Disk
    • Bounty to Port QT 5.4 to AROS
    • Icaros Desktop – 2.0.3
  • Review: The Music System
  • Interview With Paul Gardner-Stephen – From The Mega65 Project
  • Review: Boxing – For the PET
  • Review: Sopwiths And Pterrordons
  • Programming In BASIC – A Root Canal with No Anaesthetic  [Lenard R. Roach]
  • Review: Down – For the unexpanded VIC 20
  • Computing History With Commodore  [Mr NOP]
  • Setting Up a New E-Bay Amiga 1200  [Bartosz Debski]
→ [C64] Commodore Free Nr 87

Commodore Free Issue 87

PDF Commodore:Commodore Free:Nr. 87:magazyn
Commodore Free Nr. 87


  • Editorial
  • General News
    • Portable KIM-1
    • Matt Gray to Remake Last Ninja 2 Audio
    • CBM prg Studio – v3.2.1
    • VirtualC64 – 0.9.8
    • CES 30 Years Ago
    • ZX81 beaten at last as dev claims smallest Chess code crown
    • Erasure 'In My Arms' 8-Bit Cover
    • RetroWiki Magazine – Issue 10
    • How many Star Trek games were there for the Commodore?
    • Tetris in 6502 Assembler
    • Revival Studios
  • C64/128 News
    • Back In Time Live – Brighton 2015 – live stage show of C64 Music
    • Sid Doing Paula
    • Dragons Lair On The C64
    • Lightning
    • Calculate It II
    • Twist It
    • Longer II
    • RGCD 16KB Cartridge Game Competition – 2014 – Results
    • Commodore 65 Sold On eBay
    • C64SD Princess – v3.0 firmware v0.10.4
    • Commodore 817 Released
    • Zombi Terror
    • Contact – v2.0
    • Rocket Smash EX – 64kb cartridge
    • Hot Style – Issue 1 – Polish disk magazine
    • Afterlife – #16 – Disk Magazine
    • Melting Trail – 2K Game
    • Lotek64 – #50
    • Matt Gray Interview
    • C64FC – flash cartridge
    • High Voltage SID Collection – #62
    • SID Known – v1.09
    • Ambient SID Music Competition
    • VDC Mode Mania – V1.1
    • SEUCK Compo – 2015
    • PlayIt64 – V0.9
    • Kick Assembler – v3.37
  • VIC 20 News
    • VIC-20 Listings Website Launched
    • Contact – v1.0 – for the Unexpanded VIC 20
    • Tau Ceti – for the VIC with 3K Expansion
  • C16 and Plus/4 News
    • Blackjack / Twenty-One
    • Plus/4 Game Endings
    • Commodore Free News
  • Amiga News
    • Fish Supper – for AROS
    • Amiga: 30 Years – "An unprecedented feast of Amiga history"
    • AmigaAMP – v3.16 – for AmigaOS 4
    • 880 Gamer – Issue 5
    • SimpleMail – 0.41 – Girlfriend
    • AmigaRemix – Update
    • Hall Of Light Updated
    • AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
    • CD32 - CDR Adjustment
    • Cadog Adventures - Waiting
    • Assist – v2.0 – for AmigaOS 4
    • Amiga External Disk Drive
    • Amiga Future – #112
    • Cloanto Workbench Disk Pack
    • BetterWB – v3.8
    • Gotek Floppy Emulator
    • WHDLoad
    • Flashtro Amiga
    • Gigalomania – v0.27
    • Amiga 1200 Compact Flash
    • Clockport Expander II
    • PortablE
    • Update of the Amiga Games List
    • zTools – 1.3 – available on AMIStore
    • AROS Vision – 2.9
    • Personal Paint – 7.3a
    • Obligement – 18th Birthday
    • AmiKit – 8.1
    • AISS – 4.18
    • New 2015 Calendar for Amiga Fans – with 30th Birthday July Theme
    • Workbench CANDI Update – Released On AMIStore App Store
    • A-EON Technology Acquires Aladdin4D
    • EasyNet Pro Available
    • AmigaOS 4.1 Mplayer Altivec Optimization
    • AmiKit Real Update 8 Released
    • Amiga Mania – #8
    • New Kickstart 3.9.1 68k Development Announced
    • Mediator Multimedia CD – Update 2.3
    • Fractals For SketchBlock – 1.5
    • Calimero – 0.2
    • New PCMCIA Right Angled Adapter from AmigaKit
    • Saku 2014: Photo Reports and Highlights
    • Commodore Free Amiga Games Reviewer Wanted
  • A Few More 'Instant Music' Scraps  [Michael Braisher]
  • Let the Magic Begin Anew – (Commodore fiction based on real events)  [Lenard R. Roach]
  • Review: UK1541
  • Amiga Buyers Guide  [Bartosz Debski]
  • Review: Stairrunner – for the unexpanded Vic 20
  • Review: Rush – PET Game
  • Review: Scramble
  • Review: Rocket Smash
  • Review: Xain’D Sleena
  • Review: Brick Buster!
  • Review: Penultimate Fantasy V1.1
  • Review: Tutti Frutti 64
  • Review: Battle Khaos II
→ [C64] Commodore Free Nr 86

Commodore Free Issue 86

PDF Commodore:Commodore Free:Nr. 86:magazyn
Commodore Free Nr. 86


  • * Editorial
  • * Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #17
  • * General News
    • World of Commodore Blog+Pictures
    • BX720D Project
    • ET Game "Was" Buried in Desert
    • TOSEC Is Updated
    • KIM Uno
    • Commodore Test
    • RIP Ralph Baer
    • VU-sette
    • ASM80 / IDE Website
    • GeekTunes for Android
    • Mastertronic Chronicles
    • Ricardo Puerto Interview
    • The Spectrum is Re-Released
  • C64 News
    •  CC65 Optimizations
    • C64 Endings Website Updated
    • Honey Bee - Redux
    • Kick Assembler v3.36
    • Paper Plane
    • Bitfire V0.1
    • Disk Magazine Afterlife #10
    • Reset Issue 5 Released
    • Scene World Podcast Episode #2
    • PlayIt64 V0.9 Released
    • Sopwiths and Pterrordons
    • Aircraft Patrol 3 Released
    • Sprite Pad v2
    • D71 Ultimate v0.4
    • IO 95
    • The C64 Webresource Games Updated
    • GOS 95 Information
    • LSR 64 v0.31 Information
    • SD-Card Tape Adapter
    • Hi65 Announced
    • DS1307 RTC
    • Retro Asylum Podcast 106
    • Project 64 Reloaded
    • C64 HP Calculator Emulators
    • Ultimate 1541-II Mini Blog
    • Memwa Project
    • Boulderdash
    • GEOS and Laser Printing
  • VIC 20 News
    • Cassiopei
  • C16 and Plus/4 News
    • Club Info 136
    • SVS-Calc 2.5 Released
  • Amiga News
    • FIRE V0.24 released
    • Oricutron v1.2 Released
    • Rys USB Adapter
    • Atoms-X
    • Amiga Future 110
    • Netsurf 3.2 Released
    • Icaros Desktop 2.0
    • The Open Racing Car Simulator
    • Renegades 2104
    • TileWorld - Aros
    • GuideMaker
    • Almost Forgotten Story of A2000
    • Goatlizard DX
    • ADTWin
    • SpiderCave
    • Smokin' Guns - AmigaOS4
    • Boxx
    • Disk Image Device - AmigaOS 4
  • Review: Wacky Waste
  • Review: Galaxians of Xiabex
  • Review: Rabid Robots
  • Review: Donkey Kong Junior
  • Foresight Brings Hindsight to a Commodore Program
  • Book Review: Ready Retrospective
  • Review: Super Starship Space Attack
  • Review: Tank Battalion
→ [C64] Commodore Free Nr 85

Commodore Free Issue 85

PDF Commodore:Commodore Free:Nr. 85:magazyn
Commodore Free #85


  • Editorial
  • Commodore Free E-Cover Tape – #16  [Richard Bayliss]
  • General News
    • Retro Game Calendar – 2015
    • TherapSID
    • BEEP Documentary
    • TOSEC
    • Particles! BBS
    • Cassiopei Update
    • CBM prg Studio – v3.1.0
    • C64Studio – v3.8
  • C64 News
    • Reformation C64 Remixes
    • International Karaoke+
    • Dust layer Coding Tutorials
    • Digital Excess Tools
    • Pic2spr – v1.2E
    • HVSID Player Plugin – v4b
    • Attitude – Issue 15
    • IDE64 MP3 Plugin – v6
    • Air Sea Battle
    • Revolution V
    • Ultimate Opus – v0.2
    • SID Duzz' It – v2.1.7
    • AudioTAP – v2.1
    • WAV-PRG – v4.1
  • VIC 20 News
    • The Real Vic-20 Prototype
  • C16 and Plus/4 News
    • YAPE – 1.0.6 – C16 & Plus/4 Emulator
    • Club Info – #135
    • TedPlay – v1.2.3
  • Amiga News
    • Petro Tyschtschenko's Video from Saku 2014 – Over One Hour of Amiga Memories
    • New Amiga.org Design Mugs and Mouse Mat Available
    • Commodore Amiga: A Visual Compendium
    • New Wazp3D Driver – Beta 56
    • AROS Vision – 2.8.1
    • ARES II
    • Voxelnoid – AmigaOS4 and MorphOS
    • REV'n'GE – Retro Emulator Vision and Game
    • ShowFiles – 0.960
    • Melbourne #Commodore Club Meeting
    • AHX Plug-in for Hollywood
  • Ready: A Commodore 64 Retrospective – C64 Book Announcement
  • Creating a GEOS File Icon  [Terry Raymond]
  • Interview With Alex Smith – Creator of the TherapSID
  • Transfer SEQ Files to Evernote Over RS-232  [Ilker Ficicilar]
  • Bulletin Board System – A totally incomplete explanation for Commodore users
  • Interview With Brian Green – Particles BBS SysOp
  • Review: Alter Ego
→ [C64] Commodore Free Nr 84

Commodore Free Issue 84

PDF Commodore:Commodore Free:Nr. 84:magazyn
Commodore Free:Nr. 84



  • Editorial
  • NEWS
  • Amiga News Page 3
  • Plus 4 Vic and Pet Page 7
  • Commodore 64 and 128 Page 10
  • General News Page 17
  • CRL Lost in Time
  • A history of the British Company CRL - Interview with Clem Chambers
  • Commodore Free speaks with CRL`s Founder - Interview With Jeff Lee
  • Commodore Free speak to CRL Programmer Jeff Lee - Interview With Paul Stoddart
  • Commodore Free speak to CRL Programmer Paul Stoddart - Interview with Jay Darret
  • Commodore Free speak to CRL Programmer Jay Darret - Commodore Free reviews of some CRL games
  • International Soccer
  • Sun star Page
  • Berks
  • Land of Neverwhere
  • Tubular Bells
  • Rocky Horror
  • Tau ceti
  • Innerspace
  • Dracula
  • Unreleased Games from CRL


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Ignacio Sanchez Gines (drhelius), autor emulatora GearBoy (Nitendo GameBoy), GearSystem (Sega Master System) i GearColeco (Colecovision) zabrał się za nowego udawacza - tym razem na ogień poszła konsola Turbographx 16 lub jak to woli PCE Engine. Na obecnym etapie grać się da na tym średnio (naprawdę nie brakuje dobrych emulatorów tej platformy - wystarcze wspomnieć o bardzo ...
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Emulator DSP sygnowany przez imć Leniada, pozwalaja na zabawę maszynkami arcade i ośmiobitowcami - CPC, ZX Spectrum (z bardzo fajnie rozwiązanym podglądem plików), a także Colecovision, Nintendo 8 i CGB/GB - wszystko, co ma Z80 na pokładzie jest mile widziane;) Ostatnia pełna wersja tego DSP Emulator DSP 0.22 Final pojawiła się 19 listopada 2023 r.
[WIIU] Cemu v2.2 8/09/2024 [WIIU] Cemu v2.2 8/09/2024
W sumie w czasie moich ostatnich wakacyjnch wojaży z nowinek nowa wersja Cemu jest chyba najbardziej istotna do odnotowania. Co prawda, ten emulator konsoli Nintendo WiiU pojawia się dość regularnie w kanale automatycznych buildów, jednak należy przyjąć, iż ogłoszenie nowej pełnej wersji programu zamyka jakiś cykl deweloperski tego projektu.
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