
[zx] ZXSpectr 3.5

[2] @ Piątek, 20 Września 2013 01:35CET

[zx] ZXSpectr 3.5

ZXSpectr (Cesar Hernandez) jest emulatorem ZX Spectrum począwszy od 16, aż do wersji Amstrada +2A, pozwala także zaeemulować hiszpański klon speccy'ego - Inves, który był częściowo zgodny ze Spectrum +.  Chyba najciekawsze w tym emulatorze jest to, że działa on... pod MS-DOS'em, jeżeli więc nie mamy jakiegoś zakurzonego Pentium MMX pod ręką pozostaje nam przetestować go pod DosBoxem.

Version 3.5. 15 September 2013

  • . New: Spectrum 128k Spanish Emulation
  • . Fixed paging state in debug menu
  • . Fixed bug in documentation: tap file header example
  • . Some other minor changes in documentation
  • . Added help screen
  • . Changed menu cursor when filename selection options
  • . Changed this file name
  • . Added keyboard layout screen file
  • . Changed behaviour of PgDn key in file selection
  • . Utilities SMPATAP, TAPABIN, SP_Z80 also for Linux
  • . Fixed bug on loading .SP files. It was not working since a long time ago
  • . Added spectrum cursors emulation with cursor keys. You can change between kempston or cursor emulation
  • Now the cursor keys emulate spectrum cursors by default

Version 3.4. 1 December 2008

  • . New: Extended keys emulation
  • . Deleted pc speaker emulation. This mode can no longer be used since version 3.1
  • . Sorting of file lists. Fixed bug when file limit reached
  • . New: Sound recording to .raw files
  • . New: Video recording to .vga files
  • . Improved error handling
  • . Changed some menu names
  • . Changed tape emulation functions. Deleted custom ports 204, 205 & 206
  • . Fixed bug when inserting files and powering off the floppy motor

Version 3.3. 16 September 2008

  • Fixed screen update routine. At least, 1 FPS. Useful for slow computers or MS-DOS emulators.

Version 3.2. 25 September 2006

  • . Fixed bug when real tape loading and no sound in Line IN
  • . Changed the documentation format. Now it's OpenOffice and PDF
  • . Changed synchronization method: SoundBlaster and Timer
  • . New: Noise Emulation
  • . New: Screen autoframeskip
  • . Better version in Windows 2000/XP environment

Version 3.1 Beta 4. 22 March 2003

  • . Fixed bug when inserting tapes
  • . Added experimental emulation of AY chip. It doesn't have noise emulation and envelopes
  • . Added 3 demos to the distribution: THECUBE, NOUMENON, POWER_UP

Version 3.1 Beta 3. 13 March 2003

  • . Fixed bug in screen updating on Inves mode

Version 3.1 Beta 2

  • . Added rainbowing effect (again!)
  • . Fixed bug when showing registers in 48k mode
  • . Now, the default language is English
  • . Added Dynamite Dan 2 to the distribution

Version 3.1 Beta 1. 1 March 2003

  • . Fixed version to work better in windows. Rainbowing effect doesn't work. Screen refresh frequency to 50 Hz
  • . Fixed screen flashing bug (it was every 16 screen frames, not 25)
  • . Soundblaster sound done through DMA transfers. I have to modify ay chip routines to work.

Version 3.0. December 1999

  • . Colour palette modified.
  • . Fixed bug when making RESET.
  • . Fixed bug with AY Chip ports.
  • . Fixed bug with instructions EX (SP),HL that crashed the emulator when SP=65535.
  • . New: Option to view in the debug menu the screen selected (128k) and whether paging is enabled.
  • . Fixed bug with instruction CALL and screen updating.
  • . Fixed bug with shift instrucions and some flags.
  • . New: Spectrum speaker output system through Sound Blaster improved.
  • . Fixed bug with RST instructions and ROM modification.
  • . Fixed bug with IM2 mode and I=255. Heartland game now works.
  • . New: Screen and border update in hi-res mode (rainbowing), with screen frameskip. A Pentium 133 Mhz is needed.
  • . New: Emulation of the Spectrums: 16k, 128k, +2 (English, French and Spanish), +2A (English 4.0, English 4.1).
  • . New: Stereo AY chip output (ACB/ABC).
  • . New: Option to disable noise emulation.
  • . Fixed DAA instruction.
  • . New: Emulation of the bus idle port (usually port 255). Now Arkanoid and Renegade work.
  • . New: Change of ZX files version to support all the machines emulated.

Version 2.0. July 1999

  • . Fixed bug with flags S and P/V after a BIT instruction. The rhino in Sabre Wulf doesn't run backwards anymore!. Thanks to Philip Kendall.
  • . New: Option (/eng) to select menu in English.
  • . New: I have changed the name of the emulator; indeed it's a small
  • change (from ZXSPECTR to ZXSpectr).
  • . New: Option to view the border while real tape loading.
  • . New: Added unofficial instructions:
  • -Instructions DD or FD + CB with 1 more parameter: RLCA (IX+3),C, SET 3,(IX+0),D, etc.
  • -Repeated instructions NEG, IM 0,1,2.
  • . New: Emulator is now syncronized !!! No more delay factor !!!.
  • . New: Added emulation of the Inves Spectrum +.
  • . New: Emulation of bit 3 of port FEh.
  • . New: Included pseudo-emulation of the contended memory.
  • . New: Added option to load and save screen.
  • . Accelerated main Z80 routine.
  • . New: Improved menu. Options are now chosen by cursor keys.
  • . New: Added startup screen.
  • . Accelerated loading routine.
  • . Fixed bug when pressing cursor keys in the menu which were read by the kempston joystick ports.
  • . New: Option to modify relative speed of the CPU.
  • . Accelerated paging routine.
  • . New: Option to choose different VGA palete: RED, BLUE, YELLOW...
  • . New: Option in the debug menu to view ROM and RAM active pages and port 254.
  • . New: Added a nice file selector.

Version 1.6. March 1999

  • . Fixed bug making DI with menu active.
  • . Fixed bug when DI+HALT and pressing ESC.
  • . New: Option to view ports 65533, 49149.

Version 1.5. First version sent to Internet. February 1999

  • . New: Emulation of the AY-3-8912 Chip.
  • . New: Option to POKE.
  • . Fixed bug with IM 2 mode.
  • . New: Improved menu, with the possibility to continue Z80 emulation with the
  • menu active.

Version 1.4. November 1998

  • . Fixed bug when pressing extended keys, which generates the pressing of
  • Caps Shift if Num Lock is On.
  • . New: Option to reduce the interruption frequency (useful for slow PCs on
  • 128k mode).
  • . New: Option to deactivate any-flag-loading.

Version 1.3. September 1998

  • . New: 128k emulation. If expanded memory (EMS) present, paging is
  • instantaneous.
  • . VGA, CGA and Hercules screen modify routine accelerated.
  • . Fixed bug with flag P/V.
  • . New: Instructions for CPU 386 or superior.
  • . Fixed bug in PC clock update.
  • . New: Option to deactivate border changing.
  • . Fixed bug on saving 128k programs.
  • . Fixed bug on loading from .TAP file.
  • . New: Real emulation of R register.
  • . Fixed bug on saving checksum in .TAP files.
  • . New: Delaying more than 255.
  • . New options on debug menu.
  • . New: Program to convert .TAP to .BIN files.
  • . New: Option to load from real tape and saving in TAP file inside the
  • Emulator.

Version 1.2. July 1998

  • . Change of menu colours (VGA).
  • . New: Option to create .TAP file in insert and extract tape.
  • . New: Emulation of sound (port 254) with Sound Blaster.
  • . Fixed bug with flags and instructions CPI, CPD, LDI, LDD.
  • . Fixed bug with instructions CPIR, CPDR, which were repeated if BC-1 was 0 and weren't repeated if BC-1 wasn't 0.
  • . Modified instructions EX (SP),HL ; EX (SP),IX, EX (SP),IY to update screen.
  • . Modified instructions PUSH to update screen.
  • . Fixed bug with instruction POP AF and flags N and not used flags.
  • . Fixed bug with instruction EX AF,AF' and not used flags.
  • . New: Palette Change (0 or 1) on CGA.
  • . Deleted update screen buffer for CGA, Hercules.
  • . New: VGA, CGA, Hercules versions in only one file.
  • . VGA screen modify routine accelerated.
  • . Fixed bug with instructions LD A,I and LD A,R and flags.
  • . New: Option to load from real tape and saving in TAP file.

Version 1.1. June 1997

  • . Loading and saving from flexible disks don't fail anymore
  • . New: menu options to Load and Save.
  • . New: snapshot file (ZX). SP loading is permitted.
  • . Colour Brightess Control (VGA).
  • . New: Screen saver.
  • . Fixed bug with kempston joystick ports.

Version 1.0. April 1996


wstecz20/09/2013 01:35
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