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F-16 Falcon Strike 8-bit Atari XL/XE flight sim Tutorial 1 English

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This is a tutorial for first new in over 30 years combat flight simulator for 8-bit Atari Xl/XE with 64Kb RAM.
In this video I describe all the control keys, difficulty settings, arming the fighter and perform first campaign mission with commentary what I do and why.

00:00 - introduction
02:05 - game's release date
02:21 - game's homepage
02:30 - keys description
06:00 - campaign
06:40 - difficulty settings
10:20 - mission 1 briefing
11:19 - mission map
12:57 - arming the aircraft
16:41 - cockpit desctription
21:04 - map mode
22:30 - take off
25:34 - evading missile
26:39 - destroying enemy fighter
32:58 - attacking with Mavericks
39:05 - jettisoning external fuel tanks
42:01 - launching unguided missiles
45:54 - preparation for landing
48:32 - long final to runway
50:24 - mission end
50:58 - mission debriefing
51:31 - end words

This game takes part in ABBUC software contest 2024 so it will be released after contest ends.
Game was made with Mad-Pascal/Mad-Assembler compilers by TeBe/MadTeam.
In-game briefing music by Jakub Husak.

Current manual for the game and latest info is provided on the game's homepage.

Let me know what you think about the game or if anything needs more explaination in the comments section.
