Faust @ 25/12/2018 01:21

The new SEGI SATURN - NOVA emulator (in the first non-public versions the project was called Kronos) by Steve Kwok gained a new version.

Faust @ 25/12/2018 01:09

[NES] Nintendulator v0.975 Unstable (23/12/2018)
Nintendulator is an open source Win32 NES emulator written in C++. The original goal was to emulate the NES down to its hardware quirks; though it's fallen behind over the years, recent builds have caught up once again and can emulate certain behaviors most other emulators neglect to handle. However, this emulation precision comes at a price - a 1500MHz (estimated) or faster CPU is required to emulate at full speed. Supported file formats include .NES, UNIF, FDS (fwNES format), and NSF. Mappers are handled using external DLLs, complete with extra sound channels for most games which provide them. Other notable features include writing to FDS images (by storing the differences in separate files), Game Genie support (limited to 3 codes), customizeable controllers (including 4 player), input movie recording and playback (with re-recording), AVI Read more

Faust @ 23/12/2018 23:16

[FRONTEND] MedGUI Reborn v0.101 Stable
SpeedVicio released another test version of the overlay MedGUI - a very convenient interface for multiemulator Mednafen , which in itself is not very friendly to setup. Reborn version of the application is completely modified compared to the normal MedGUI.

Faust @ 23/12/2018 23:04

[VCS] Stella 6.0.0
Stella is a multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS, introduced in 1977, was the most popular home video game system of the early 1980's, emulator released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Stella was originally developed for Linux by Bradford W. Mott, and is currently maintained by Stephen Anthony. The development team is working hard to perfect the emulator and we hope you enjoy our effort.

Faust @ 23/12/2018 22:30

[C64] Hox64 1.0.14
Hox64 is a Commodore C64 emulator, whose authors pride themselves on accurate mapping of the processor's work cycle. In contrast to its older brothers - CCS64 or VICE, it has a modest and simple menu, in which we find all the basic parameters of work - pure simplicity;).

Faust @ 22/12/2018 23:42

Faust @ 22/12/2018 23:30

[MULTI] Emma 02 V1.29
Emmma is a multiemulatora of exotic microcopiers, about which in Poland probably no one heard. Some of the machines could be assembled by themselves, others worked bravely in Serbia, Spain or Denmark. Among the emulated microcomputers there is also one flipper (Cidels), a pair of game consoles (RCA Studio II, Victory MPT-02, Visicom COM-100). The lion's share of the construction comes from the late 70's and even, because of the history, it's worth taking a look at.

Faust @ 22/12/2018 01:16

[c64] Oficjalne GTK(Win)Vice 3.3.0
You think, Vice, and you know that there will be talk of Commodore hardware emulation, you think how quickly to fire something on C64 you reach for Vice. Vice has the absolute status of the most recognizable CBM emulator on most platforms, as well as Altirra for ATARI equipment. After a year of new versions of the night, a new version of this emulator finally appeared - what's new is the tip of what you can find by tracking changes in the repository of this project.

Faust @ 21/12/2018 00:33

[zx][beta] ZEsarUX Version 7.2 BETA. 19 December 2018 - Neula edition
ZEsarux is another multimulator of Sir Clive's machines - we can find practically all models from ZX80, through traditional Sinclair Spectrum models, including those that have already appeared with the Amstrad logo, to the exotic Z88 Cambridge, if not for the lack of QL to say that he emulates everything from this family. Currently, he also manages the Sam Coupe machine or CPC464 (I will not mention other exotics - hence the feature in development). Author also adds Spectrum QL emulation. Emulator, by Cesar Hernandez (this is his second project, after ZXSpectr) was created for Unix, but in time he also made a version for Windows - looking at the list of possibilities, it's quite an interesting harvester, which is worth having at hand if you need all-in - with a rainbow on board - at least it gives me some problems, but what can be liked.

Faust @ 17/12/2018 23:58

[ATARI] Asma 3.8(9).x SVN1602
The Atari SAP Music Archive is a free project which has the aim to collect most of the ATARI XL/XE music in one huge collection. The tunes in ASMA are stored in SAP format that can be replayed by a SAP player currently available for many platforms.

Faust # AtariAge Altirra 3.20 | 17/12/2018 00:48

[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test IX
Altirra is an 8-bit Atari emulator, thanks to which, on a computer with the Windows operating system, we will launch classic games available exclusively on Atari. The emulator has an internal core, allowing you to run selected games or programs without the need to install ROMs, the manufacturer does not recommend using this solution. He explains that the internal kernel implemented here has been written from scratch, so compatibility issues may occur. The emulator supports disk images saved in the following formats: ATR, DCM, ATX and PRO. You can also make use of Atari (.obx/.xex) executable files.

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