Faust @ 10/04/2015 00:12

[Reduks] Bajtek 11/1986 gotowy do pobrania
Bajtek was a polish biggest popular computer magazine in 80's. Reduksy is an attempt to re-break the old press numbers computed from the eighties electronic format, possibly as close as possible the original. The new number, as well as other available on the pages of www.reduks.pl , the number of listings can also be found on the site Ready.Run . This time, due to the fact that this is the last reduks publicly available files are divided into public and for donors.  

Faust @ 05/04/2015 01:18

[c64] Pierwszy numer Komoda & Amiga Plus 1/2015 (nr 1)
First issue of the new retro-zine was finally released. There was a lot of work to be completed, but we have made it! We feel like we're now able to publish a quarterly magazine, so please let us know what you think about the initial issue. Please download the English version from the link below:

Faust @ 27/03/2015 00:44

[Arcade] Raine v0.64.3
Raine (for Rainbow Islands Emulator) is an arcade multiemulator, it can handle games from CPS systems, Taito, Jaleco and it's run titles from NeoGeoCD (in last year project raine and neoraine was combined in one application).

Faust @ 25/03/2015 23:25

[ATARI] Asma 3.7(8).x SVN1345
The Atari SAP Music Archive is a free project which has the aim to collect most of the ATARI XL/XE music in one huge collection. The tunes in ASMA are stored in SAP format that can be replayed by a SAP player currently available for many platforms.

Faust @ 25/03/2015 21:57

[MULTI] MessUI x64 i x86 0.160
MESSUI is an integrated frontend of MESS, which itself emulates 100 of computers & consoles. MESSUI is similar in appearance to MAMEUI. Each emulation instance is accompanied by a windows-style menubar. This menubar is known as 'NEWUI'.

Faust @ 25/03/2015 21:49

Faust @ 25/03/2015 21:26

[MULTI] MESS x86 i x64 0.160
Next MAME, as usual, there was also the sister project update - multiemulatora MESS, allowing emulate more or less exactly fair amount of microcomputers 8- and 16-bit consoles, as well as exotic design as chess computers (at least in our area of Europe).

Faust @ 25/03/2015 21:20

Faust @ 25/03/2015 00:52

Faust # Abris | 23/03/2015 16:28

T-shirt "Blood Money Amiga Disc Cover"

Retro T-Shirt Blood Money Amiga Disc Cover - męski podkoszulek