Faust @ 26/06/2024 00:07

Faust # EmuFrance | 23/06/2024 23:48

Faust # AtariAge Altirra 4.30 | 23/06/2024 23:32

[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XI
Altirra is an 8-bit Atari emulator, thanks to which, on a computer with the Windows operating system, we will launch classic games available exclusively on Atari. The emulator has an internal core, allowing you to run selected games or programs without the need to install ROMs, the manufacturer does not recommend using this solution. He explains that the internal kernel implemented here has been written from scratch, so compatibility issues may occur. The emulator supports disk images saved in the following formats: ATR, DCM, ATX and PRO. You can also make use of Atari (.obx/.xex) executable files.

Faust @ 23/06/2024 23:18

[Arcade] Raine v0.64.16
Raine (for Rainbow Islands Emulator) is an arcade multiemulator, it can handle games from CPS systems, Taito, Jaleco and it's run titles from NeoGeoCD (in last year project raine and neoraine was combined in one application).

Faust @ 23/06/2024 01:14

[MULTI] XPECCY 0.6 build 2018/11/16
Xpeccy is a Linux emulator for machines compatible with ZX Spectrum (primarily Russian clones) and several versions of the machine MSX1, Nintendo GameBoy / GameBoy Color and NINTENDO 8 and its Russian counterpart Dendy. Emulator requires QT library, if we want to run it under Windows, and in return the program offers a few curiosities, for which it is worth to look at it.

Faust @ 23/06/2024 01:10

Faust @ 21/06/2024 00:01

[arcade] HbMameUI/HbMame x86 & x64 0.205
HBMAME (HomeBrew MAME) is a derivative of MAME, and contains various hacks and homebrews. It is based on the latest MAME source at the time of release.

Faust @ 17/06/2024 01:05

Faust @ 17/06/2024 00:43

[Apple IIe] AppleWin 1.28.0
AppleWin (also known as Apple //e Emulator for Windows) is an open source software emulator. AppleWin was originally written by Mike O'Brien in 1994;[2] O'Brien himself announced an early version of the emulator in 1995, development of AppleWin passed to Oliver Schmidt and is now maintained by Tom Charlesworth. AppleWin has support for most programs that could run either on the Apple II+ or the Apple IIe. By default, AppleWin emulates the Extended Keyboard IIe (better known as the Platinum IIe) with built-in 80-column text support, 128 kilobytes of RAM, two 5¼-inch floppy disk drives, a joystick, a serial card and 65C02 CPU. AppleWin supports lo-res, hi-res, and double hi-res graphics modes and can emulate both color and monochrome Apple II monitors; later versions of AppleWin also can emulate a television set used as a monitor. Both 40-column Read more

Faust @ 17/06/2024 00:15

[multi] Retro Virtual Machine 2.0.beta-1.r0
This is quite an interesting project by Juan Carlos González Amestoy, in which we will now simulate Sinclair and Amstrad machines creating their virtual machines, the environment allows not only to recreate their work, but also shaders fairly faithful reproduction of the CRT image (a lot of settings), sound (again, there is something to experiment on), but also allows for sentimental watching of the spinning cassettes;) Reto Virtual Machine also gives you the possibility of emulating divMMC (if someone would like to check how the SD card images will behave on real equipment - quite useful function). Well, a fairly short contact and very cursory use is optimistic - it is clear that this 60 mb trestle requires a little from the PC guts (or Mac, because like most modern emulators is multiplatform), on the other side the view of the emulated monitor Read more

T-shirt "Taito Logotype "

Retro T-Shirt Taito Logotype   - męski podkoszulek