Faust @ 06/11/2022 01:37

[NDS] melonDS x64 0.7.3
melonDS is a new emulator project. My goals for it are to do things right and fast.

Faust @ 02/11/2022 01:08

Faust @ 28/10/2022 00:53

[zx][beta] ZEsarUX Version 7.2 BETA. 19 December 2018 - Neula edition
ZEsarux is another multimulator of Sir Clive's machines - we can find practically all models from ZX80, through traditional Sinclair Spectrum models, including those that have already appeared with the Amstrad logo, to the exotic Z88 Cambridge, if not for the lack of QL to say that he emulates everything from this family. Currently, he also manages the Sam Coupe machine or CPC464 (I will not mention other exotics - hence the feature in development). Author also adds Spectrum QL emulation. Emulator, by Cesar Hernandez (this is his second project, after ZXSpectr) was created for Unix, but in time he also made a version for Windows - looking at the list of possibilities, it's quite an interesting harvester, which is worth having at hand if you need all-in - with a rainbow on board - at least it gives me some problems, but what can be liked.

Faust @ 27/10/2022 00:04

[arcade] Mame x64 & x86 0.205
MAME's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. As electronic technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents this important "vintage" software from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation. The fact that the software is usable serves primarily to validate the accuracy of the documentation (how else can you prove that you have recreated the hardware faithfully?). Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade video games that were its initial focus.

Faust @ 26/10/2022 00:51

[Arcade] FinalBurn Alpha v0.2.97.43
FB Alpha is an arcade emulator supporting the following platforms; Capcom CPS-1 Capcom CPS-2 Capcom CPS-3 Cave Data East DEC-0, DEC-8 and DECO IC16 based games Galaxian based hardware Irem M62, M63, M72, M90, M92 and M107 hardware Kaneko 16 Konami Neo-Geo NMK16 Pacman based hardware PGM Psikyo 68EC020 and SH-2 based hardware Sega System 1, System 16 (and similar), System 18, X-Board and Y-Board Super Kaneko Nova System Toaplan 1 Toaplan 2 Taito F2, X, Z and others Miscellaneous drivers for lots of other hardware FB Alpha also has WIP console drivers for Sega Megadrive/Genesis, ColecoVision, Sega SG-1000, Sega Master System/Game Gear and also PC-Engine/TurboGrafx 16/SuperGrafx.

Faust @ 18/10/2022 23:31

[GB/CGB] BgB 1.5.7
It is a gameboy/color emulator/debugger for win32 which will probably never be finished;)

Faust @ 17/10/2022 21:05

[Arcade] Raine v0.64.16
Raine (for Rainbow Islands Emulator) is an arcade multiemulator, it can handle games from CPS systems, Taito, Jaleco and it's run titles from NeoGeoCD (in last year project raine and neoraine was combined in one application).

Faust @ 13/10/2022 00:15

Faust @ 08/10/2022 21:54

[zx][beta] ZEsarUX Version 7.2 BETA. 19 December 2018 - Neula edition
ZEsarux is another multimulator of Sir Clive's machines - we can find practically all models from ZX80, through traditional Sinclair Spectrum models, including those that have already appeared with the Amstrad logo, to the exotic Z88 Cambridge, if not for the lack of QL to say that he emulates everything from this family. Currently, he also manages the Sam Coupe machine or CPC464 (I will not mention other exotics - hence the feature in development). Author also adds Spectrum QL emulation. Emulator, by Cesar Hernandez (this is his second project, after ZXSpectr) was created for Unix, but in time he also made a version for Windows - looking at the list of possibilities, it's quite an interesting harvester, which is worth having at hand if you need all-in - with a rainbow on board - at least it gives me some problems, but what can be liked.

Faust @ 03/10/2022 21:44

Faust # EAB Winuae 4.9.2 | 01/10/2022 21:08

[AMIGA] Winuae 4.2.0 beta I
WinUAE is a 32-, 64-bit Windows version (XP/Vista/7/8/10) of the UAE Amiga Emulator. UAE is the collaborative effort of a number of Amiga enthusiasts to create a portable Amiga emulator under the GNU Public License.

T-shirt "The Sacred Armour of Antiriad ZX Spectrum Element"

Retro T-Shirt The Sacred Armour of Antiriad ZX Spectrum Element - męski podkoszulek