Szukam Altirra

Faust # Altirra | 28/02/2011 09:10

Ostatnia beta Altirry, która się pojawiła miała parę błędów, które mogły nam utrudnić życie w grach (np. Breaker zgłaszał bug w Road Race), jak Phaeron tłumaczy, wynikało to z charakteru testu - był on bardziej przeznaczony do sprawdzanie nowych rozwiązań w obsłudze serial portu, niż jako publiczna beta. Ta wersja, powinna wyprostować pojawiający się problem.   Altirra  Version 1.9 prerelease: test 20 [changelog 28.02.2011] That was due to some work in progress for trying to add emulation support for a particular bug. It wasn't finished, but it ended up getting pushed out since I made some test releases for the serial port stuff for someone. I've reverted it and this versions should be OK. I haven't done a lot of work on » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 22/02/2011 01:41

Kolejne zmiany w emulatorze ATARI XE/XL/5200 - Altirra. Tym razem Phaeron zajął się najprawdopodobniej obsługą drukarki - na łamach strony projektu brak jeszcze wieści, a wzmiankę o fix'ie można znaleźć w changelogu emulatora. Altirra  Version 1.9 prerelease: test 19/18 [changelog 22.02.2011] bugs fixed Printer: Fixed close command not actually closing IOCB. Altirra  Version 1.9 prerelease: test 17 [changelog 13.02.2011] features added Serial: Added IPv6 support. Serial: Added option to force specific connection and DTE communication rates. Cartridge: 2K and 4K cartridges are now supported (as mirrored 8K cartridges). bugs fixed Serial: Telnet server now attempts to turn off local echo on remote » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 13/02/2011 11:56

Breaker (thx), jak zwykle, podrzucił info o nowej becie Altirry - a w niej poprawiony timing i sporo poprawek związanych z obsługą serial poru, dodatkowo nowy emulatorek ATARI został wzbogacony o obsługę 2- i 4- Kb kartridży. Altirra  Version 1.9 prerelease: test 17 [changelog 13.02.2011] features added Serial: Added IPv6 support. Serial: Added option to force specific connection and DTE communication rates. Cartridge: 2K and 4K cartridges are now supported (as mirrored 8K cartridges). bugs fixed Serial: Telnet server now attempts to turn off local echo on remote end. GTIA: Improved accuracy of transitions from mode 8 to mode 9/10. Serial: Fixed erroneous CR-to-CRLF conversion on transmit path. Altirra 1.9 test 16 [changelog 13.02.2011] it » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 04/02/2011 10:48

Phaeron dorzucił kolejny fix dla tego emulatorka ATARI - poprawka głównie tyczy się obsługi obrazów dyskietek w systemie SpartaDOSX w eksploatorze plików. Przy okazji autor napisał mały tutorial jak poradzić sobie z kartem "M.U.L.E", imo, najlepszej gry handlowo-zręcznościowej dla Atari - jeśli więc ktoś poczuje sentyment za wzgórzami planety IRATA, powinien zapoznać się z poniższym opisem:)   Altirra 1.9 test 16 [changelog 04.02.2011] it does now support two cartridges, and I put in some bug fixes for writing to SpartaDOS X disks in the Disk Explorer. I still don't recommend writing to anything but throwaway disk images, but it's handy to get stuff into SDX (which doesn't support H:). The M.U.L.E. image is a bit sketchy. The reason that it has » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 03/02/2011 09:48

Od wczoraj jest dostępna test wersja Altirry - emulatora ATARI XL/XE, pisanego przez Phaerona (Virtual Dub). Zmiany dotyczą przedewszystkim obsługi... modemu - tajemniczego portu R:, którego udawanie autor dorzucił jeszcze w testach 1.8. Altirra 1.9 test 15 [changelog 03.02.2011] [features added] Serial: Inbound connections are now supported. Serial: Added support for A, L, M, P, Q, S, T, V, X, &C, &D, &F, &G, &P, &T, &V, and &W modem commands. Serial: Added DTR and CRX signal support. [bugs fixed] GTIA: Fixed trigger state sometimes being initially wrong when enabling latching. Serial: Telnet emulation now reads out of band data. Serial: Telnet emulation now handles incoming WILL and WONT commands. Serial: Fixed » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 30/01/2011 01:29

I jeszcze jedna partia poprawek w emulatorze Atari XE/XL - Altirrze. Wprowadzenie menedżera plików, jak każda nowa funkcja, zawsze wymusza parę łatek ekstra w beta testach: Altirra 1.9 test 14 [changelog 30.01.2011] Another update... I figured out what was going wrong with Directory Opus. This version fixes that (and a regression in DOS 2 writes): I ended up having to put in a seek call to reset the stream to position 0 before handing it off to DOpus. That's different than Explorer, which hands back streams at pos=len and handles this in return, and I think it's a bug as the docs for IDataObject::GetData() mention that the valid data region is from 0 to current position. Explorer doesn't seem to mind the stream starting at 0, but I need to do some extra tests with the zip handler. » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 27/01/2011 13:47

Dzięki Abrisowi znamy kolejne zmiany w nowej 12. testowej wersji emulatora ATARI XE/XL - Altirrza.  Dopieszczony manager pozwalający podgląd obrazy dyskietek, poprawki w emulacji serca atarki. Altirra 1.9 test 12 [changelog 26.01.2011] Turns out the double density disks are MyDOS format, which are subtly different from DOS 2.0/2.5... I've hacked in enough support into the Disk Explorer to open them read-only. This version also has emulation accuracy updates for CPU bugs and interrupt accuracy tweaks. It now emulates the 6502 BRK bug, and also the blocked NMI bug when enabled in CPU options, which means that it now passes all Acid800 tests. I plan to attack the ANTIC HSCROL bug next.  

Faust # Altirra | 24/01/2011 10:20

Kolejne poprawki Phaerona w najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijającym się emulatorze ATARI XE/XL - Altirrze. Nowe narzędzia do podglądu kanałów Pokey'a (układu dźwiękowego) i całkiem fajna możliwość dodawania/kasowania plików w obrazach dysków. Altirra 1.9 test 11 [changelog 24.01.2011] System | Audio | Audio Monitor now enables an on-screen display of the four POKEY audio channels. Tools | Disk Explorer lets you drag files in and out of disk images. A few caveats on the Disk Explorer, currently: it may act badly if you give it a disk that isn't DOS 2 or SpartaDOS format, it shouldn't be used on disk images that are currently mounted, and be careful when modify disk images as there are probably still bugs in the write support.  

Faust # Altirra | 23/01/2011 14:08

Info dostarczyl abris, kolejna porcja nowych możliwości Altirry. Altirra 1.9 test 10 [changelog 23.01.2011] Optimized version of PAL high artifacting.  

Faust # Altirra | 17/01/2011 09:04

Info dostarczyl abris, kolejna porcja nowych możliwości Altirry. Altirra 1.9 test 9 [changelog 17.01.2011] First shot at PAL high artifacting. It is not optimized yet, so it runs slowly, but the basic method is there. Starting hue is not controllable. The main issue with this method is dot patterns on sharp color edges; this is related to per-line chroma V inversion. Not sure how to solve this yet.  

Pliki z "Altirra"

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Linki z "Altirra"

Major Blink - C16 port to the A8

I recently ported my old Baby Berks C16 game to the A8 and uploaded it on the forum. Baby Berks was originally a cut down version of Berks 1 - initially created to be typed in from a magazine listing. I've now converted the second game in the Berks Trilogy ... Major Blink. The game dates from1985 and I haven't made any major (excuse the pun) updates to the gameplay. The original program had to run in 16K and this version should happily run in 32K. I've tested it on my PAL 130XE and in NTSC & PAL in Altirra. The game makes a few simple changes to compensate for the different NTSC frame rate but I haven't been able to test this on real hardware.

Altirra 2.80 released - Atari 8-Bit Computers - AtariAge Forums

Page 1 of 6 - Altirra 2.80 released - posted in Atari 8-Bit Computers: Version 2.80 of my emulator Altirra is now out:   Thanks to everyone who provided feedback, suggestions, and bug reports over the past nine months. Would you believe its now been over seven years since version 1.0? And for anyone else not as interested... thank you for putting up with the 32-page megathread!   2.80 final is functionally the same as 2.80-test51 exce...

Altirra 2.00 - Atari 8-Bit Computers - AtariAge Forums - Page 7

Altirra 2.00 - posted in Atari 8-Bit Computers: > On my real 800 (NTSC, OS B, GTIA, 48K) this says, "Sorry, Emulator" no RAM under ROM, that program didn't work on old 400/800 Atari.

Altirra on VirtualDub

I had access to a number of 8-bit computers in my childhood, but my most favorite was the Atari 800, a 1.79MHz 6502-based computer with color graphics and a disk drive, and which as the predecessor to the Amiga, another favorite of mine. Over a decade later, I was struck by both nostalgia and ambition and started to write a new 8-bit Atari emulator from scratch. This is the result. At this point, I've learned a lot more about the Atari and Altirra now emulates more than I ever had or did years ago, but I still work on it periodically. It also serves as a modularity test for the VirtualDub code base, from which Altirra shares some components. If you are struck by nostalgia too or have a desire to do some Atari development, perhaps it might be useful to you, too.

Altirra, an 8-bit Atari computer emulator -

I was struck by both nostalgia and ambition and started to write a new 8-bit Atari emulator from scratch. This is the result. At this point, I've learned a lot more about the Atari and Altirra now emulates more than I ever had or did years ago, but I still work on it periodically. It also serves as a modularity test for the VirtualDub code base, from which Altirra shares some components. If you are struck by nostalgia too or have a desire to do some Atari development, perhaps it might be useful to you, too.

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