Szukam WinUAE

Faust @ 12/11/2010 01:31

Gdzieś szperając po sieci znalazłem całkiem obszerny wywiad z Tonym Wilenem przeprowadzonym w zeszłym roku przez Davida Bruneta dla amigowskiej strony OBLIGEMENT. Znajdziecie tam odpowiedź czemu TW, nigdy nie wprowadzi emulacji PPC do winUae i co sądzi o Fellowie:). Jest co poczytać.

Faust # WinUAEForum | 28/10/2010 22:56

Po pięciu latach całkowitej ciszy, przy całkowitej hegemonii  tandemu UAE/WinUae, nagle dał o sobie znać praktycznie zapomniany, kiedyś królujący - Fellow, a w zasadzie jego wersja pod Windowsy - WinFellow. Tadam, mamy nowy, publiczny Snapshot, tego emulatora Amigi:). Czy to zmartwychwstanie, czy raczej przedwczesne ożycie na zaduszki pokaże czas A póki co, za stroną - "They have a pulse!";) WinFellow alpha v0.4.4 build 2, Fixed crash when enabling exact vertical pixel doubling or interlace compensation. WinFellow would crash after enabling exact vertical pixel doubling and/or interlace compensation. This has been fixed. File access has been made Vista/Windows 7 compatible. WinFellow will now perform file operations at the appropriate location in case of Vista & Windows 7. You can use » więcej

Faust # WinUAEForum | 13/10/2010 19:51

Nigdy nie jest tak dobrze, żeby nie było lepiej, minęło mniej niż 2 tygodnie od publikacji WinUae 2.3.0 i mamy już zapowiedź nowej serii bet, tego w sumie jedynego, emulatora Amigi. Poniższa lista poprawek (a jest ich sporo), dotyczy tylko okresu po opublikowaniu 2.3.0 i są odpowiedzią na problemy występujące podczas jej pracy, warto więc czasami zgłosić błąd, niż przejść nad nim do porządku dziennego. Tom Wilen zapowiada publikację nowej bety w ciągu 2 tygodni, chociaż praktycznie patrząc na sprawę, już poniższa lista poprawek zasługuje na publikację nowej wersji. Current changelog only, first beta coming in two weeks(tm). CDTV CDA playback didn't work if play ending track was set to last track (Prehistorik CDTV) reset CD support internal flags when reseting or loading new configuration save chipset extra » więcej

Faust # WinUAEForum | 26/09/2010 12:00

Na łamach serwisu pojawiło się spolszczenie dla oficjalnej wersji WinUAE 2.3.0. Jeżeli ktoś cierpi na widok języka obcego może się od tego znoju uwolnić. Osobiście, nie lubie, mam uraz po wieloletnim używaniu Photoshopa eng i nagłym przejściu na PL. Brrrr...

Faust # WinUAEForum | 24/09/2010 21:19

Wreszcie po 20 betareleasach, po czterech miesięcach oczekiwania, mamy pełną wersję emulatora Amigi pod Windowsy. Pokaźna ilość nowinek, sporo poprawek - czas na testowanie:). New features: CDTV and CD32 subchannel hardware emulation, CD+G audio CDs supported. CDTV statefile support. FLAC compressed CD audio tracks supported (cue+flac or cue+iso+flac). Automatic center, max fullscreen and tv-like fullscreen options added. uaescsi.device SCSI emulation, including full CD audio support. Pause uaescsi.device CD audio when emulation is paused or GUI is open. Support for configuration file delayed CD image insert, for example CD32 games F17 Challenge and Last Ninja crash if booted before CD32 boot screen appears... Right and bottom border, if outside of display area, is blanked instead of filling with current border » więcej

Faust # WinUAEForum | 22/09/2010 22:13

Ostatnia beta przed finalnym wersją? Zobaczymy, wszystkie poniższe poprawki, plus prawdopodobnie poprawa obsługi .dms'a to zgłoszenia, które trafiły do Toniego Willen'a w ciągu dwóch ostatnich dni. Beta 20 (RC3, final beta?): Configuration panel save and delete operations lost currently selected configuration entry some filters in DirectDraw mode had blank screen (depended on display height) VirtualAlloc() allocation error and JIT direct enabled recursed until stack overflowed

Faust # WinUAEForum | 21/09/2010 00:39

Gdyby ktoś odczuwał problemy z pracą z plikami .dms, zwłaszcza spakowanymi powinien sobie dociągnąć ten mały fix do najnowszej bety. Zapewne poprawka zostanie dołączona do RC3. Archive support design flaw is worse than I originally thought..When disk image is inserted, first it attempts to open in read-write mode and if it fails, it tries to open in read-only mode.Archive support ignores this flag and returns "ok" when attempting read-write, this breaks read-write checkbox, saveimages and others. Previously it worked accidentally but now it causes issues..

Faust # WinUAEForum | 20/09/2010 09:29

Kolejna zmiana i Relase Candidate z numerkiem 2 emulatora Amigi UAE. rar archives crashed if file was already open (stupid design flaw, it was possible to open archives even if requested mode was read-write) added "fullscreen (max)" and "fullscreen (tv)" (approximate only) to "autoscale" select menu, basically replaces old "FS" filter multiplier

Faust # WinUAEForum | 18/09/2010 21:05

I zbliżamy się do pełnej wersji tego zwyciężcy wśród emulatorów Amigi, kto jeszcze pamieta o np. Fellow;)? Beta 18 (RC1, official release next week): F13/F14/F15 rawinput keycodes fixed (at least available on some apple usb keyboards) removed default volume and mute keyboard mappings because in rawinput mode they are always handled by Windows (which is annoying, I haven't found any simple way to disable them, "disable hotkeys" flag only seems to disable Windows keys) fall back to directinput if rawinput enumeration worked but RegisterRawInputDevices() returns error Paula disk fifo statefile support

Faust # WinUAEForum | 12/09/2010 16:43

Nic dodać, nic ująć - kolejna beta najlepszego emulatora Amisi. Beta 17: removed duplicate "none" in filter list RTD also missed address error check MMU emulation bus error handler uses C++ exceptions again (like in original Aranym version), removed some not so useful forced inlining, smaller executable. decided to disable some MMU table caching and suddenly NetBSD crash disappeared, MMU emulation is probably much slower now but at least it seems to work until proper fix is found, (hopefully Aranym developers have some ideas) Debian 68k Sarge Linux confirmed working now right border color "glitch" when waiting for hpos<7 in copper list broke in b3 only disable Direct3D9Ex if pixel shader support is < 2.0 do not open files smaller than blocksize (512 bytes) as a hardfile   hardfile dialog » więcej

Pliki z "WinUAE"

Obrazki z WinUAE

Linki z "WinUAE"

Archiwa Emulatorów - faust19 -*c3*b3w

Archiwa Emulatorów • pliki użytkownika try2emu przechowywane w serwisie • ZEsarUX win 4.2, installwinuae4200 x64

Tom's Homepage - Install Amiga OS 4.1 Final Edition on WinUAE

Amiga In A Box

AmigaInABox, is the essential download for all UAE freaks. To be brief, it is a 'snapshot' of my current Workbench setup on UAE. This isnt just any old 'snapshot' however, the archive has been painstakingly setup for immediate use - the main zipfile extracts into its own directories, requiring just a Kickstart Rom, and the WinUAE exectuable to run (oh come on, kickstart 3.0/3.1 roms arent that hard to get hold of! Theres Cloanto's "AmigaForever" for a start!

Apc74 na

Autor spolszczeń do WinUAE ma na chomiku trochę fajnych rzeczy, w tym duży zestaw tutoriali do WinUAE.

WinUAE Official Help

WinUAE is the premier Amiga emulator. The official help file for the project can be downloaded below. It integrates into the main WinUAE user interface, and not only provides detailed information on the program settings, but also on the background of the developers and Amiga technology.

The Green Amiga Alien guide

The Green Amiga Alien Guide website contains a series of guides designed for the beginner on how to setup Winuae and install workbench with all the extras. There also is some information about a few of the Amiga Workbench distributions available

Gamebase Amiga 2.0

GameBase Amiga is a collection of data and scripts to be used with the GameBase emulator frontend. It allows you to browse games with screenshots and a lot of extra information and run them with the WinUAE Amiga emulator with ideal pre-defined settings for a hassle free playing experience.

Fs-uae - a new multi-platform Amiga emulator for games

Accurate Amiga Emulation FS-UAE integrates the most accurate Amiga emulation code available from WinUAE. FS-UAE emulates A500, A500+, A600, A1200, A1000, A3000 and A4000 models, but you can tweak the hardware configuration and create customized Amigas.

WinUAE - GitHub

WinUAE Amiga emulator

Installation of AmigaOS 3.9 under WinUAE

This is the “unofficial” english translation of Thomas Rapp’s guide on how to install AmigaOS3.9 under the WinUAE enviroment. I have asked Mr Rapp for approval of this document and he agreed that I could upload it to the net. (Just check Amiga.Org and you’ll see how many of the newbies there who have severe problems installing a fully functioning AmigaOS3.9 installation.) Also, I can’t speak german so this is freely translated, and not 100% accurate with Mr Rapp’s words. Also I’d like to add that running an Amiga in a emulated enviroment is NOT wrong to do. You real Amiga users (I run a real Amiga too though… :) should NOT look down upon those who choose the emulation as a way to run Amiga software. Most people I know that run WinUAE either get a real Amiga after a while or buy real Amiga software for the emulation enviroment. This is just one way of experiencing the Amiga Experience.

AMOS for Windows installer using AROS-68K and WinUAE - English Amiga Board

AMOS for Windows installer using AROS-68K and WinUAE News


Amigame! - L'ultime Front-end pour WinUAE

WinUAE Help

Official WinUAE Help.

Interview with Toni Wilen

Here is an interview with Toni Wilen, the main coder of the excellent Amiga emulator WinUAE.

Classic Amiga Workbench

Once Amiga emulation (UAE) started to mature two prominent pre-installed Workbench packages emerged, offering users an easy pathway to this unique operating system. First came the commercial package from the copyright holders Cloanto, fittingly named Amigaforever. Overall many users have found it a very useful complete package that meets their needs. After undergoing several updates, this is still available today and currently the only method of legally obtaining Workbench and ROM images you don't already own. Secondly, James 'jaybee' Battle spent a considerable amount of time perfecting the first major free downloadable Workbench in the form of Amiga in a Box (AIAB). Concentrating on the 3.0/3.1 versions of the operating system running in a UAE setting, he created a powerful and visually pleasing environment showing just what a high end Amiga system can achieve in the right hands. He really should be credited for getting the ball rolling in the area of free Workbench packs. His install routines, required due to copyright issues with Workbench disks, were a great help when releasing my own packs to the general public. Problem is, although these are fantastic Workbench set-ups for emulators such as WinUAE, they fail to target running on a real Amiga! Unless you've got one kick-ass machine and ideally a graphics card, you're going to end up with a 20 minute response time and some ugly looking icons, especially at 640x256. I've tried other set-ups found around the net but to no satisfaction. The icons weren't always proportioned correctly; the install wasn't optimised; important files were missing and they're not refined for simplicity and usability. Since the vast majority of Workbench (WB) 3.0/1 runners are using A1200's I decided to create set-ups specifically for us!


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