Szukam gb

Faust @ 24/06/2000 04:24

Emulacja ATARI Jaguara kompletnie nie ma szczęścia - ślimaczy projekt reality mana, jagbag, który "wziął i zamilkł", a teraz autor EmuJag'a - EmuManiac rozchorował się co napewno dobrze nie wpłynie na okres naszego oczekiwania na jakikolwiek emulator tej konsolki:(.

Faust @ 23/06/2000 03:54

Nowy rom ale jakże miły: 548 - Heroes of Might and Magic [USA] [The Corporation] [GBC].

Faust @ 21/06/2000 03:43

Tym razem ja w czymś prześcigne Dalthona - dwie świeże pozycje dla CGB i NGPC. 547 - Dino Breeder 4 [JAP] [0ldsk00l] [GBC]077 - Ogre Battle Gaiden [JAP] [Menace] [NGPC]

Faust @ 18/06/2000 20:45

Visual Boy 1.4.2 Visual Boy udaje CGB/GB pod okienkami. Z nowinek w tej edycji przyśpieszenie pracu emulatora i poprawa pracy trybu pełnoekranowego. * Trying to switch to full-screen on some computers never worked and the emulator would never work again without changing a value in the registry. This has been fixed.* MBC3 cartridges (Pokemon Yellow) now have the timer saved.* Option to turn off the sound completely* Slightly faster version of the code* DirectX 7.0 version for the people who get sound but no screen. Version 1.5 will only support DX7.

Faust @ 16/06/2000 04:23

Jeżeli zakochany jesteś w grach dla Nintendo 8, a gdzieś po kątach leżą jeszcze poteżne kartridże [huh... cart był wielkości hmmm... 3/4 CGB i o bardzo zbliżonej grubości:)] dla tej konsoli powinneś zacząć czytywać Panesian Press

Faust @ 12/06/2000 21:52

Hheheh... przeczytane Na znalazłem ciekawą notkę dla posiadaczy i fanów GB: W okolicach "zimowego sezonu zakupowego" firma Nintendo wypuści na rynek adapter umożliwiający wpuszczenie konsolki Game Boy w zakamarki Internetu. Za urządzenie zapłacimy ok. 47$ i podłączać je będziemy bezpośrednio do naszej komórki obsługującej połączenia z Siecią. Ciekawe na jaką przeglądarkę www zdecyduje się producent Game Boy'a ? ;) Hhehehe... czyżby xchargery były już niepotrzebne? Jeżeli pojawi się jeszcze gbZIP to firmy produkujące gry dla CGB zbankrutują:P.

Dalthon @ 12/06/2000 11:17

Nuda... nic się nie dzieje... nic nie wychodzi... chyba się wezmę za pisanie demek... #531 - Bikkuriman 2000 Charging Card GB [GameBoy] #070 - Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams (USA) [NeoGeo Pocket] dla sprawnych inaczej :) mała pomoc do ostatniej pozycji.

Faust @ 12/06/2000 03:14

Boukichi opublikował nową wersję swojego emulatora GB/CGB - Dboy 0.61. Tym razem wiadomo co zostało zmienione;). - Improved PSG emulation engine. - Improved CPU emulation. - Added -ifsega option. (Use IFSEGA2/PCI mode) - Added -sfreq [n] option. (Change sound sampling frequency to [n]hz)

Faust @ 09/06/2000 04:15

Cowering opracował tym razem renamer dla romów dla mniej popularnej mutaci GBVirtual GamBoya. Ciekawe, czy ktokolwiek miał to z Was na głowie?

Faust @ 07/06/2000 15:49

Offspring z Emulation-Center spolszczył INI 3.1 Spinala, dodał 7 gier i 1 demo i tak powstał Polskie Nemu Ini 3.1aPL:). Plik do pobrania ze strony offspringa. W Pelni Grywalne: - King Hill 64 - Wave Race SE Prawie Grywalne: - Quake 64 - Fighting Cup - Wonder Project J2 - Mortal Kombat 4 Nie Dzialajace: - South Park 64 DEMA: - pom98 GB EMU - tylko intro :< .

Pliki z "gb"

Obrazki z gb

Linki z "gb"

GBArchive - Alex Custodio

The GBArchive is an open access video collection that documents the embodied and affective experiences of playing a Game Boy Advance title on a variety of sanctioned and unsanctioned platforms. Capturing the same level on multiple platforms reveals broader connections between the object, the act of gaming, and its infrastructure.

Peanut-GB: A Game Boy (DMG) emulator single header library written in C99. Performance is prioritised over accuracy.

A Game Boy (DMG) emulator single header library written in C99. Performance is prioritised over accuracy. - GitHub - deltabeard/Peanut-GB: A Game Boy (DMG) emulator single header library written in C99. Performance is prioritised over accuracy.

UgBASIC IDE by spotlessmind1975

An Integrated Development Environment for ugBASIC


An isomorphic language for retrocomputers

SkyEmu - SkyEmu is a low level GameBoy, GameBoy Color and Game Boy Advance Emu

nintendo,game boy, gameboy color, gameboy advance,gba,cgb,gb,emulator,online

EmuCR - Emulator News & Download (EmuCR.Com)

EmuCR.Com. Latest emulators for PS3,WiiU,Wii,PS2,Xbox360,Xbox,3DS,PSV,PS,NDS,PSP,GBA,N64,DC,Arcade and many other systems.


A nullDC ALL-IN-ONE Launcher and optimizer to ensure easy setup for nullDC(Naomi/Atomidwave/Dreamcast), Mednafen(NES/SNES/Genesis/MegaDrive/GBA/GBC/Neo-Geo Pocket/PSX/Saturn/Famicom Disk Drive) and optimized settings for a smooth gameplay experiance. Easy setup easy connection, minimal effort maximum performance.

Tweeter GBE+

Nintendo 64 Gamebase on gb64 forum

Workbench + 3e is a graphical user interface for ZX Spectrum

Workbench + 3e is a graphical user interface for ZX Spectrum designed for easy access to your programs stored on a hard disk. You can organize the installed software in a logical and orderly manner and load it from the simple and intuitive environment. The +3e ROMS provide powerful commands for using IDE drives however because of thedesign limitations inherent it leads to an absence of subdirectories and the short filename can make the process of storing and executing software both complexand arduous. With Workbench +3e just have to boot your computer and select the LOADER option and you will have a graphical environment that lets you access your programs clearlyand easily where you can then load them with a few simple clicks of the mouse. You can also use Workbench +3e to browse through the contents of your hard drives. Workbench +3e also Includes utilities for copying files and managing hard disk backups plus you can also use it when restoring your backups at a later date. Workbench +3e automatically detects whether it is running on a ZX-UNO and will take advantage of the CPU’s turbo modes and increase the execution speed of the environment without affecting its compatibility with games and programs.


mGBA is an open-source Game Boy Advance emulator, copyright © 2013–2014 Jeffrey Pfau. This project is not affiliated in any way with Nintendo. Game Boy Advance is a registered trademark of Nintendo Co., Ltd.

RGB Classic Games - All games that can be played online

Over 300 DOS games that can be played directly in your browser.


BioGB is a GameBoy and Gameboy Color emulator written in C++ with two objectives in mind: high portability and easy to undestand code. Currently it supports most comercial games. Has full graphics and sound support. There is no GUI for any OS yet. BioGB has been succesfully tested on Windows(XP, Vista, 7), Linux(Ubuntu, Gentoo, Centos), Dreamcast(KOS), Playstation 2, and PSP. Although Dreamcast, PSP and PS2 version have been removed in the last version, there will be future support for those and more.

JsA8E Demo

JavaScript version of the A8E Atari 800 XL Emulator by Sascha Springer. Created using Emscripten. Atari 800 XL self test,  Archon,  Archon 2,  Asteroids,  Bandits,  Behind Jaggi Lines,  Davids Midnight Magic,  Donkey Kong,  Drol,  Encounter,  Dropzone,  Goonies,  Gyruss,  Hero,  Karateka,  Keystone Capers,  Koronis Rift,  Landscape,  Montezumas Revenge,  Moon Patrol,  M.U.L.E.,  Pitfall,  River Raid,  Raid over Moscow,  Pooyan, Spelunker,  Silent Service,  Starquake,  Summer Games,  Track and Field, Vanguard,  Zorro.

KENBAK-1 Computer

The Kenbak-1 computer was judged in 1987 by the Boston Computer Museum to be the first commercially available personal computer. Initial sales commenced in September of 1971. Most units sold for $750.00 for a completely assembled and functioning computer. The computer was a stored program, automatically sequenced unit. Designed before microprocessors were available, the logic consisted of small and medium scale integrated circuits mounted on one printed circuit board. MOS shift registers implemented the serial memory. Switches keyed the input and lights displayed the output. The memory contained 256 bytes and the computer executed several hundred instructions per second.  

Z88 Forever!

 The Cambridge Z88 was launched at the PCW Show in London in August 1987 by Sir Clive Sinclair under his new company, Cambridge Computers (he was unable to sell it under the Sinclair name, having sold his rights to Alan Sugar's Amstrad in 1986).

Computer Magazines on Internet Archive

 Results: 1 through 50 of 4,656 (0.001 secs) You searched for: collection:computermagazines

SNES ROMS, NES ROMs, N64 ROMs, MAME ROMs, XBox 360 ROMs, Genesis ROMs, Gameboy Advance ROMs, Gameboy Color ROMS, GBC ROMS,GBA RO

Download 1000s of different SNES ROMs, NES ROMs, N64 ROMs, Genesis ROMs, Gameboy ROMS, Gameboy Color ROMS, GBC ROMS, Gameboy Advance ROMS, GBA ROMS, MAME ROMs, XBOX ROMs, XBOX 360 ROMs and ROM Emulators.

VGBoxArt - Video Game Box Art / Covers

VGBoxArt - The Video Game Box Art Community. A hobby and enthusiast site for box art/covers. Browse to see what people have made for your favorite games and check out the Hall of Fame to see the cream of the crop. Join to start creating and sharing your own!

Emu-Info: Emulatory, Romy, Stare Gry, Konsole, Kody do gier, Solucje

Emulacja, emulatory, emulator, emulator ps2, romy, romy gba, romy na gba, stare gry, romy psx, gry playstation, psx iso, pokemon gry, gry pokemon, konsole, RPG, Beyblade, romy n64, emulator, emulator ps2, emulator psx, emulator gba, psx iso, Nintendo 64, pokemon, stare gry, nowe gry, pokemon gry, Super Nintendo, gry, snes, Zelda, Pokemon Stadium, Mario, Dragon Ball, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Crash Bandicoot, Tekken, Metal Slug, Medabots, Nintendo, Pegasus, nes, GameBoy, Advance, gba, Game, Boy, Color, gbc, Neo Geo, Sega Mega Drive, Sega Genesis, Xbox, kody do gier, Playstation 2, ps2, Dreamcast, dc, MAME, neogeo, CPS1, CPS2, recenzje, solucje, kody, screeny

Newsy Linkownia Emulatory na PC Wideoteka Screenshoty Bajtek Reduks Ready.Run

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