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Faust @ 14/07/2022 23:15

Jeden ze starszych projektów emulatorów maszynek MSX/MSX2 - RuMSX autorstwa Rudolfa "Lex Lechz" Lechleitnera, wzbogacił się o nową wersję. Projekt ma już bagatela 18 lat, albo i więcej;) Ciekawe, czy teraz gdy emulacja MSX jest tak powszednia, jak nieznajomość tej platformy, dalej wzbudzałaby takie ochy i achy u Dalthon'a;) W ramach wdzięczności możecie autorowi postawić kawę - postawcie.    

Faust @ 15/03/2023 23:46

Jeszcze jedno narzędzie do porządkowania dumpów dla emulatora maszynek arcade MAME. Rebuilder autorstwa ,którego znamy przede wszystkim dzięki jego CLRMamePro pozwala na porządkowanie "romów" dzięki sumom kontrolnym i według autora ma być w tym całkiem sprawny. Polecam zerknąć w jak na 700kb posiada całkiem dużo możliwości. Przyznaję się bez bicia jeszcze go nie testowałem;P Pewnym problemem może być fakt, iż jest to narzędzie działające w linii komend.

Faust @ 10/08/2022 00:35

SameBoy jest emulatorem sprzętu Nintendo GameBoy, ColorGameBoy i w przyszłości GBAdvance (być może i coś już odpala, nie trafiłem jednak na nic, co dałoby się uruchomić) napisanym z myślą o Macintoshu, jednak i nam blaszakowcom dostała się wersja (SDL), którą z powodzeniem można używać.  

Faust @ 07/07/2022 00:19

SameBoy jest emulatorem sprzętu Nintendo GameBoy, ColorGameBoy i w przyszłości GBAdvance (być może i coś już odpala, nie trafiłem jednak na nic, co dałoby się uruchomić) napisanym z myślą o Macintoshu, jednak i nam blaszakowcom dostała się wersja (SDL), którą można przetestować. Emulator posiada bardzo fajny i prosty interfejs graficzny plus całkiem sporą ilość shaderów, można więc po niego sięgać bez większych problemów - nie posiada niestety obsługi spakowanych archiwów, co jednak trochę ogranicza jego użyteczność.

Faust @ 19/12/2022 20:35

Pojawiła się kolejna wersja testowa STEEM'a SSE skrót, który  należy rozwijać jako ST Enhanced Emulator Sensei Software Edition. Steem SSE jest jednym z ciekawszych emulatorów maszynek ze stajni Tramiela i w sumie oprócz HATARI nielicznym nonstop udoskonalanym.

Faust @ 07/07/2022 00:35

Nowa wersja emulatora arcade Raine.

BobBudowniczy @ 25/06/2022 00:04

Kolejna developerska wersja PCSX2 - emulatora konsoli Sony Playstation II serwowana przez automatyczny build Orphisa. Ostatnia oficjalna wersja tego emulatora to PCSX2 1.6.0.

Faust @ 24/06/2022 00:43

Nowa wersja AppleWin, emulatora rodziny komputerów APPLE II. (][, ][e, ][+) .

Faust # AtariAge Altirra 4.01 | 22/07/2022 00:40

Nowe wersja testowa Altirry emulatora ATARI XE/XL/5200/2600.  Ostatnia pełna wersja tego emulatora, autorstwa Avery 'Phaeron' Lee,  jaka publicznie została udostępniona to Alirra 4.00 z 13 listopada 2021 r.  

BobBudowniczy # AtariAge Altirra 4.01 | 15/07/2022 12:10

PPSSPP to projekt emulatora przenośnej konsoli SONY PSP, napisanym w C++ przez jednego ze współautorów emulatora Dolphin udającego konsolę Nintendo Wii/GameCube Henrika Rydgarda, podobnie jak Dolphin, emulator posiada status open source i każdy może korzystać z repozytorium na githubie. W chwili obecnej jest to bezsprzecznie najlepszy emulator, który pozwala nam pobawić się oprogramowaniem na tę konsolę - oczywiście, kompatybilność nie jest 100 procentowa, zdarzają się, teraz już sporadczynie, takie tytuły, które PPSSPP nie potrafi udźwignąć - jednak w szybkim tempie baza obsługiwanych tytułów poszerza się o kolejne. Ostatnia pełna wersja to PPSSPP 1.12.3, poniższe zmiany są zapisem prac nad wersją deweloperską projektu.

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Retro Magazine Search

The Cutting Room Floor

The Cutting Room Floor is a site dedicated to unearthing and researching unused and cut content from video games. From debug menus, to unused music, graphics, enemies, or levels, many games have content never meant to be seen by anybody but the developers — or even meant for everybody, but cut due to time/budget constraints.

Arcade Database

This site aims to collect information on games and emulators, with special attention to the MAME Using the search pages you can view a quick snapshot of your games (images, videos, manuals) and know all the informations. In detail it's stored the whole story of a game and there will be the ability to filter the data for the version number of the emulator.


Welcome to the home page of DemoBaseST - an easily-accessible database of Atari ST demoscreens. No longer do you need to search through disc images and menus to get to your favourite demoscreens, because each one is directly accessible from the DemoBaseST menu, and is accompanied by screenshots and search and filter functionality to help you get to your favourites faster! What's more, you don't even need to download any disc images or spend time setting up emulators - it's all included and ready to go!

Yuzu - An experimental emulator for the Nintendo Switch

yuzu is an experimental open-source emulator for the Nintendo Switch from the creators of Citra. It is written in C++ with portability in mind, with builds actively maintained for Windows, Linux and macOS. The emulator is currently only useful for homebrew development and research purposes.

EightyOne Sinclair Emulator

Download EightyOne Sinclair Emulator for free. Archive of the EightyOne Sinclair emulator written by Michael D Wynne. EightyOne is an emulator for the range of home computers made by Sinclair Research (and their clones) in the 1980s. As well as emulating the machines themselves, various add-on interfaces are supported, including hi-res graphics, custom character sets, sound and colour cards.

Old Games Finder - Hard to find... Old Games? TRY US!

Old Games Finder is an automated old games search engine. Users can search for very rare old games for many retro platforms, including families like PC, Amiga, Apple, Atari, Commodore, Mame (arcade machines), Nintendo, Playstation, Sega, Sinclair. PC search includes also very rare old game patches and trainers. Additional search includes old games cheats, magazines, manuals, soundtracks, walkthroughs. Note that this project is only search engine and assumes no responsibility for the content of external websites.

Internet Arcade : Free Software : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

The Internet Arcade is a web-based library of arcade (coin-operated) video games from the 1970s through to the 1990s, emulated in JSMAME, part of the JSMESS software package. Containing hundreds of games ranging through many different genres and styles, the Arcade provides research, comparison,...


Definitive Guide to Vectrex Collecting. It's a website which includes all Homebrew released games and hardware (eventually original equipment). There is comparisons of all versions and variations of each release as well as pictures and information that is not available anywhere else on the internet. I've tried to offer a good amount of info relating to collecting but for more in depth information of each item, I've provided links to the Vectrex Wikia. Also included is a filterable and searchable checklist which can be used as a rarity list or resource for determining value (how many produced, whether the rom has been released, whether its still available).

QuickPlay |

Welcome to the QuickPlay homepage. QuickPlay - MAME Edition is a powerful Windows universal emulator frontend, which has support for countless emulators, systems, game sets and other emulation frontend projects. Its main focus is on being user friendly, simple to set up, yet thorough: its a combined searchable library for all of your retro-gaming...It has a novel Emulator Finder system that takes the hassle out of initial setup and ongoing maintainance


Auf diesen Seiten findest du Unterlagen zu den Homecomputern, die mit dem Z80 (Zilog) oder anderen 8-Bit basierenden Mikroprozessoren arbeiten. Auf der linken Seite sind die einzelnen Geräte der 8Bit-Wiki aufgeführt, der obere Link "8Bit Datenbank" führt direkt zu den einzelnen Unterordnern. Wir würden uns über einen Eintrag im Gästebuch freuen ! Die Seiten werden ständig erweitert, aktuell werden die Homecomputer der britischen Firma Sinclair Research (Clive Sinclair) und deren Nachfolger und Nachbauten veröffentlicht.

Computer Magazines on Internet Archive

 Results: 1 through 50 of 4,656 (0.001 secs) You searched for: collection:computermagazines


The AROS Research Operating System is a lightweight, efficient, and flexible desktop operating system, designed to help you make the most of your computer. It's an independent, portable and free project, aiming at being compatible with AmigaOS at the API level (like Wine, unlike UAE), while improving on it in many areas. The source code is available under an open source license, which allows anyone to freely improve upon it.

JGameBase - GameBase in Java

jGameBase is a Java port of GameBase, a fully-featured retro-gaming emulator frontend and game database utility (e.g. GB64 Collection of C64 games). It supports virtually any emulator for any system and has versatile database searching and filtering. There are databases for Apple II, Atari ST, Coleco ColecoVision, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64, Commodore VIC20, Nintendo NES, Nintendo SNES, and Sinclair ZXSpectrum.


EightyOne is an emulator for several home computers made by Sinclair Research (And their clones) in the 1980s. EightyOne currently emulates: Sinclair ZX80 Timex TS1000 Sinclair ZX81 Timex TS1500 Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16k/48k Timex TS2068 Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128k Timex TC2048 Amstrad/Sinclair Spectrum +2 Lambda 8300 Amstrad/Sinclair Spectrum +2a Ringo R470 Amstrad/Sinclair Spectrum +3 MicroDigital TK85 Jupiter ACE As well as emulating the machines themselves, numerous addon cards are supported, including hi-res graphics, custom character sets, sound and colour cards. EightyOne is designed to run on Windows XP, but should work on Windows 98 and above.


ExoticA is an Amiga and retro gaming/computer music interest wiki including search-able computer music collections, game and demo scene information and plenty more. Use the links on this page to navigate to an area of interest, or hover over the top bar to use the pull down menus (Navigation, Toolbox etc).

C64 FTP Search @


This is a site dedicated to bestseller computer of 80s first half - ZX SPECTRUM 48K. Released in 1982 by Sinclair Research (UK), it became an icon of home-computers for many years.

Retro Treasures

Retro Treasures, a most cunningly and if we may say so ourselves (which we apparently do) aptly named blog, is the daily resource of retro gaming pleasure both for the collector and the nostalgic or historically inclined gamer. We constantly search,, ebay.anywhere, Play-Asia, and a variety of other sites & forums to bring you the most obscure, rare, fun or plain cheap in retro gaming, complete with descriptions, links, advice, freebies and of course guides on your retro shopping.

Commodore Computers | PET, 64, 128, History, Pictures, Manuals, Advertising, ROMS

Commodore Computer History | Commodore PET, SuperPET, c64, 128... Photo Gallery, Advertising, History Technical User Manuals Searchable Parts Database

Newsy Linkownia Emulatory na PC Wideoteka Screenshoty Bajtek Reduks Ready.Run

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