Dalthon @ 11/10/2000 14:33

NES po raz czwarty Bez komentarza :) Nester v0.25c (japońska wersja) do pobrania... Co nowego? kolejne mappery ;)

Dalthon @ 11/10/2000 13:57

DOS'owy emulator SNES'a - SNEeSe - ma już numerek 0.49! Co nowego w tej wersji, znajdziecie poniżej: Render: Implemented BG3 highest priority in mode 0 Render: Corrected wrapping from end of tilesets GUI: Now uses standard keyboard controller auto-repeat Interface: Emulation no longer pauses when pressing certain keys (ESC to go to GUI, F1-F8 to toggle sound channels, 1-8 to change render options, 0 for screenshot)

Dalthon @ 11/10/2000 12:36

NESmania na całego! Na koniec (?) zostawiłem najczęściej modyfikowany emulator na świecie (przy nim Final Burn to pikuś :) - Nester (nieoficjalna wersja). Dodam tylko, że jest to emulator 'okienkowy'... to tak na marginesie...

Dalthon @ 11/10/2000 12:28

Czemu po raz drugi? Bo mamy dwie wersje innego emulatora konsoli NES: SwNES Service Pack v0.25 oraz SwNES v0.20 (obie wersje bez 'krzaczków' ;) - Modify Some Mapper Bugs - Modify FC Ext.Driver: HyperShot & Add FC Ext.Driver: Excite Boxing - Use Unzip32.DLL & Unlha32.dll For Support ZIP/LHA Format - Support VS Unisystem - Support Real Time Save & Load Nic więcej nie mogę napisać, bo nigdy nim(i) się nie bawiłem - kto chce niech testuje :)

Dalthon @ 11/10/2000 11:55

DOS'owy (pomimo to, bardzo dobry) emulator NES'a - RockNES - doczekał się v1.410! Lista zmian znajduje się poniżej (jakby ktoś nie zauważył :) - Added mapper #118 (IQS MMC3) driver, now YsIII - Wanderers from Ys and Goal! Two are playable; - Fixed FDS memory allocation and system startup, major cleanup/rewrite; - Fixed FDS image loading. Files with no header should be ok; - Added FDS image identification by the NINTENDO-HVC string, removed the old one by file extension (required only by images with no fwNES' FDS header). - Fixed ROM load/free, squashed several mistakes; - Disabled MMC3 WRAM control, enabled from previous version.

Dalthon @ 10/10/2000 13:24

Co nowego w tym miesiącu przy 'produkcji' nowej wersji Mame: 8th October 2000: David Graves sent in yet another Taito update with a working driver for Cadash. 7th October 2000: Jarek Burczynski sent in an update for the Taito sound system, improving several Taito Z games' sound. David Graves added Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari to the Asuka & Asuka driver. 6th October 2000: David Graves sent in a bit improved Taito Z driver with no playable games, but he also sent a driver for another Taito system supporting the following games: Asuka & Asuka, Maze of Flott, Galmedes, U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker. 5th October 2000: Bryan McPhail added the Japanese romset of Bomberman World and fixed the input ports for players 3 and 4. Paul Swan submitted a driver for Cavelon. 4th October 2000: Luca Elia improved the sound in the Seta driver and » więcej

Dalthon @ 10/10/2000 12:59

Poniższych romów na 100% nie rozpoznaje ostatni GoodGbx, czyli inaczej mówiąc świerzynki: No. 673 - Elevator Action EX No. 674 - K.O: The Pro Boxing No. 675 - Neon Evangelion Mahjong No. 676 - Solomon: Cox Adventure Of The White Tower

Dalthon @ 10/10/2000 12:12

To się po mału staje nudne... chwila co ja piszę :) Dzisiaj mamy Final Burn v0.35 a w nim: - Reduced AB's Interrupt 2 to 1500 times a second because it was messing up the intro. - Fixed sluggish controls in After Burner. - Input is now read by calling Interrupt 2 3000 times a second rather than 60 times a second. - Some people have reported some corrupted sprite graphics in some levels of After Burner I and II: it's first visible as some vertical lines on some rocks on level 1, but is very visible on the level 10 rocks, and the trees on level 13. - This particular corruption seems to be caused by a very slightly misdumped version of the 128k graphics rom "10937" - a fixed version of this rom will solve this problem. - However it won't solve all the graphical glitches. I have updated Final Burn with the correct CRC of this file, so it will » więcej

Dalthon @ 09/10/2000 10:23

Będzie bardzo krótko, bo lista zmian dłuuuuuuga... Doskonały emulator konsoli Snes (win) - Snes9x v1.32a: - The delay loading of the OpenGL DLLs on the Windows port was causing the OpenGL initialisation code to fail. Reverted back to normal DDL loading but with the side effect that Windows 95 users must visit the Microsoft web site and download the OpenGL addon before Snes9x will work for them. - Corrected the OpenGL bump-map display option - my attempt to get the bi-linear OpenGL display option to work with Voodoo card's limited texture size had broken the bump-map mode. - Changed the Windows port to delay load the two OpenGL DLLs, so now they're only loaded if you switch to OpenGL mode. The original version of Windows 95 didn't include the OpenGL DDLs, so Snes9x wouldn't even start on that platform; now it should. - Added yet another » więcej

Dalthon @ 09/10/2000 10:23

Ciekawe czy te romy rozpoznaje najnowyszy GoodGbx ;) No. 670 - Daikatana No. 671 - Pokemon Gold No. 672 - Pokemon Silver

Dalthon @ 09/10/2000 10:23

Widzę, że weekend był pracowity dla koderów ;) RockNES v1.400, czyli najlepszy (podobno :) emulator konsoli NES już na T2E: - Small mistakes squashed on FDS driver; - Fixed FDS disk writes somewhat, no more 'ERRxx' problems; - FDS images with no header present are loadable (you need .FDS extension); - Fixed mapper #42, pirate MarioBaby works fine; - Fixed frame-IRQs, now there's sound output in DragonQuest games; - Fixed a possible memory leak problem; - Added WRAM (bank at $6000) dumping; - Removed some general junk, more minor changes that I don't remember...

Dalthon @ 09/10/2000 10:23

Coś długo nic się nie działo z emulatorami Nintendo64... Może pojawienie się TR64 (08.10.00) coś zmieni... No to teraz zacznie się wysyp plików .ini :)

Dalthon @ 09/10/2000 10:23

Mam dobrą :) wiadomość dla wszystkich miłośników GameBoy'a - nareszcie pojawił się Good GBX - w tej wersji rozpoznawanych jest już 4281 romów!

Dalthon @ 09/10/2000 10:13

Kolejna odsłona n-tej wersji Mame, opartej na kodzie najnowszej beta (8) wersji: AMAME - dedykowany Athlon oraz K6 PMAME - dedykowan Pentium II/III/ProDostępna jest także wersja NeoMAME z 'rdzeniem' a asemblerze (speed :) z takimi zmianami (a ja i tak preferuję NMame32 :) - smaller download size - supports only NeoGeo games (for example useful if you use a frontend and don't want other stuff listed) - runs Diggerman - provides better support for the MS Sidewinder Gamepad, my two cascaded ones work perfectly well

Dalthon @ 06/10/2000 10:01

I co zdziwieni??? Bo ja wcale - kolejna (tym razem v0.32) wersja Final Burn :))) - Just for the sake of completeness, I added support for the Japanese version of Power Drift. It's pretty much identical - the only difference are the six program roms (parts 11745-52) which should be placed in a small zip file called pwrdrifj.zip.Wczoraj odpaliłem sobie "Power Drift" i śmigało że hej! Chyba się nie doczekam driveru do Mame ;(

Dalthon @ 05/10/2000 11:59

Szczególnie podoba mi się pierwszy numer :)))) No. 666 - Friendly Pet Series: Lovely Puppy No. 667 - Tweety: The World Goes Around No. 668 - Pokemon Pinball No. 669 - Championship Motocross 2001 Featuring Ricky Carmichael

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