Szukam IPS

Faust @ 24/06/2000 12:13

Hando ze Strefy Emulacji umieścił poprawkę autorstwa DreamForce dla The Legend of Zelda [Nintendo 8] zmieniający język na Polski w tej doskonałej grze. Lokalizacja tej gry jeszcze nie jest pełna, miejmy nadzieję, że z czasem będzie 100 procentowa:). Jakoż, że człowiek z natury jest leniwy, wrzucam spatchowaną Zeldę, a na przyszłość IPS Patchera, który pozwoli Wam poprawiać romy wszelakiej maści [zwłaszcza poprawek dla Genesis i GameBoya jest sporo od zmiany języka do nieśmiertelności i innych oszustw].

Faust @ 24/06/2000 04:18

Zgodnie z zapowiedzią zabawki Aldo Vargasa co raz bardziej stają się uniwersalne, dzięki VGS Macro możecie zastosować VGSJoya praktycznie w każdej aplikacji hulającej pod Windozami. W raz z pojawieniem się VGSMacro, Aldo uaktualnił swój sterownik dla joyów, wciąż czekam, aż ktoś wyedytuje plik tekstowy i zrobi Polską wersję tego sterownika [Chociaż, jak przetłumaczyć Force Feedback?]. - VGSJoy now supports up to 8 joypads By default all joypads have the same keys, so you can play as player 1 with any joystick. You *must* config the keys for the joypads 2 and above for player 2. - Joypad config display the assigned keys (in addition to the old Tooltips) - Small bug fixes in the joypad config :)

Faust @ 09/06/2000 21:09

RomCenter wzbogacił się o potężny update plików datfiles zawierających informację o romach dla poszczególnych emulatorów. - Enterprise: Grendel (48 games)- Emerson Arcadia: Rob van der Drift (31 games) Thanks to Grendel for his file.- atari 7800: Grendel (39 games)- Bally Astrocade: Grendel (26 games)- CGenie: Grendel (121 games)- Chip 8: Grendel (58 games)- Spectravideo: Grendel (79 games)- Vectrex: Grendel (125 games)- Jupiter Ace: Grendel (29 games)- Philips P2000T: Grendel (17 games)- System 32: R.van der Drift (23 games - 11 not dumped)- Raine 0.28h: Logiqx (256 games)- Spectrum Z80: Jan AxHell (4526 games)- Spectrum Tapes: Jan AxHell (4747 games)-Spectrum TZX: Jan AxHell (1741 games) -Spectrum SNA: Jan AxHell (2768 games)-Spectrum TRD: Jan AxHell (543 games)-Spectrum DSK: Jan AxHell (200 Games)-apple 2: rvu (1890 games) -Callus 0.42 » więcej

Faust @ 06/06/2000 04:02

Oj, może być dłuższa przerwa po opublikowaniu najnowszej wersji AdriPSX - emulatora PSX pod DOS. Niestety, autor utracił kod źródłowy emulatora i dokumentacje [radosna twórczość brata - znana każdemu komenda format c:] - praca nad adri rozpocznie więc od nowa:(. Obecna wersja zawiera jedynie zwiększenie prędkości emulacji, obsługę CDDA i ADPCM.

Faust @ 02/06/2000 04:01

ClearMame pozwoli nam zachować nienaganny porządek w romach dla MAME i innych emulatorów, poszczególne datfiles znajdziecie tutaj lub na stronie macierzystej tego narzędzia, ah i jeszcze link do ClrMAME 1.5a;). added: scantime, rebuildtime and some rebuilderstatistics misc: optimized zipscanner misc: a lot gui changes & some source cleanup misc: support for zip32.dll version 2.3 misc: support for ROMCenter 2 datfiles misc: fixoptions aren't restored by a fastscan operation fixed: small rebuilder stopping bug

Faust @ 27/04/2000 12:31

Nowa edycja emulatora nie ma GUI:), musicie więc posiadać wcześniejszą wersję i nadpisać ją nowymi plikami... to był mały tips dla newbies;), którzy nie czytają [zazwyczaj] dokumentacji do programu;).

Faust @ 27/04/2000 04:01

Z80 Stealth może nie jest najpopularniejszym emulatorem Spectrum ale warto go mieć w swojej kolekcji. Awans do 0.200 - Google przyniósł spore poprawki do obsługi dźwięku [dodana emulacja YM, ponoć w chwili obecnej emulator prawie w 100% odtwarza dźwięki AY/YM], możliwość zapisu dźwięku do ESPG, support dla standartu beta disk i sporo więcej:). - New : Updated AY-3-8910/YM2149F emulation code by Hacker KAY: - Added YM2149F emulation (please note that YM emulation is slower than AY emulation due to the nature of this chip) - Added ABC & BAC stereo modes - Support for new sound modes: 44Khz 16bit stereo & 22Khz 8bit stereo ( AY-3-8910 DAC values by V_Soft, YM2149F values by Hacker KAY ) - Now sound is almost 100% close to the real AY/YM chips! - Excellent noise emulation! - New : Updated sound engine: - new mode: » więcej

Faust @ 05/04/2000 03:46

Ekipa Mess'a non-stop goni swojego rodzica MAME;). Mess pozwala na emulację naprawdę sporej ilości komputerów i konsol Vectrex [Mathis Rosenhauer, Chris Salomon], Atari 800/5200 [Juergen Buchmueller], Apple II Family [Mike Balfour, Brad Oliver], PDP/1 [Chris Salomon], Sega Master System [Mathis Rosenhauer, Brad Oliver], Sega GameGear [Mathis Rosenhauer, Brad Oliver], Kaypro CP/M [Juergen Buchmueller, Benjamin C. W. Sittler], Bally Astrocade [Frank Palazzolo], Amstrad CPC [Kevin Thacker], Atari 7800 [Dan Boris], Commodore Amiga [Ernesto Corvi], Dragon 32 [Mathis Rosenhauer], EACA Colour Genie 2000 [Mathis Rosenhauer], Enterprise 128K [Kevin Thacker], KC Compact [Kevin Thacker], PC-Engine / Turbo Graphics-16 [Charles Mac Donald], PC-compatible (MDA, CGA) [Juergen Buchmueller], RA+A Spectrum I+ [Mathis Rosenhauer], TI-994a » więcej

Faust @ 05/04/2000 03:33

AdriPSX jest emulatorem PSX pod DOS:), na tyle już sprawnym, że pozwala uruchomić całkiem sporą ilość komercyjnych produkcji. Ostatnia wersja update: 2018-02-06 została pozbawiona błędów, które wkradły się z niedopatrzenia w kod emulatora, poprawiono także jakość dźwięku. Heh... pamiętajcie, iż emulator wymaga BIOSu aby go uruchomić [pasek po lewej stronie;) - jeśli jeszcze nie macie]. 03-04-2000 I took a little time, and added a simple message output box for user mode. 02-04-2000 Corrected two optimizations done to the AND and OR opcodes' recompilers. 01-04-2000 Today I got Seal Libraries, so to implement a more compatible way to implement sound rutines. Also, I've fixed some ugly bugs that appeared during last release.

Faust @ 15/03/2000 12:56

Wgens, okienkowy emulator SEGI Genesis, pojawił się już w trzeciej odsłonie - Google, tym razem pod młotek poszły poprawki w timingu emulowanych procesorów.Starscream 68000 core by Neill Corlett (faster and more accurate that mine) is now implemented but desactived, it'll be active in the next version !DAC works now perfectly !Many many fixs in sound and CPU timings :All chips (68000, Z80, YM2612, PSG ...) are synchronised depending of game type (PAL 50Hz / SECAM 60Hz) and PAL games works at 50 FPS in auto-frameskip mode.Fix YM2612 timers.Fix PSG rate.Can choose sample rate of the sound (you must reload the rom for take effect !)some others little...

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C64 Chiptunes Reimagined (free download), by Erosmachine

C64 Chiptunes Reimagined (free download) by Erosmachine, released 01 June 2024 1. Ocean Loader 1 (Synthwave Mix) 2. Warhawk (Synthwave Mix) 3. Lightforce (Ms20 Mix) 4. Miami Vice (Daytona Spyder Mix) 5. Total Eclipse (Main Theme Remix) 6. Cobra 7. The Tube (Day-zhah-voo Mix) 8. Powerdrift (1989 Club Mix) 9. Double Falcon (Aeromix) 10. Thanatos (Dragon's Dream Mix) 11. Amaroute (Full horror 2024 Mix) 12. Commando (Bitrunner Blues Mix) 13. The Running Man (ICS Primetime Mix) 14. International Sports Challenge (M.D. Mix) 15. Super Robin Hood (Forte Mix) 16. They Stole A Million (Guvnor Mix) 17. Flight Path (Far From Home edit) 18. 180! (Happy Hour Mix) 19. Winter Games (Going for Gold Mix) 20. Wrath of the demon (Requiem Mix) From 2005 to 2022 Erosmachine under the name of Martin Dodd produced over 50 Commodore 64 remixes. Here are 20 tracks, the rest can listened to at

Amiga Graphics Archive

Launched in 1985 the Commodore Amiga boasted graphics capabilities that were unsurpassed for it's time. It featured an intricate collection of custom chips that enabled it to do things that, until then, had been impossible to achieve with other personal computers. This site is dedicated to graphics made with or for the Commodore Amiga home computer.

[mdk] arcade rom and information repository

[] rom downloads zip for mame, tips, tricks, bugs, rom information and more ...

Virtual Burnout, by LukHash

Virtual Burnout by LukHash, released 06 October 2023 1. Keygen 2. Video Games 3. Amiga 4. The Kingdom 5. Virtual Burnout 6. Alone Together 7. 8-Bit Warrior 8. Cyberpunx 9. Invaders 10. Shooting Star 11. Demoscene 12. Modchips 13. Robot Uprising

ZX Spectrum Astronomy | discover the heavens on your computer

Page Preface xi Guidance Notes xiii Contents in Detail xv Introduction 1 1 Time 3 2 Spheres within Spheres 19 3 The Moon 43 4 Satellites 55 5 Solar System Orbits 69 6 The Planets 93 7 Star Systems 141 8 Starcharts 155 9 Further Programs 193 10 Spectrum Hints and Tips 221 Appendix: Magazines…

Advanced NES ROM Utility

This is an easy to use utility for performing some tasks on NES / FC ROMs! Following functions are included: Read iNES, NES2.0 and Nintendo header information Fix checksums in Nintendo header Split into single ROM files for burning (PlayChoice-10 support) Split into equal sized parts for burning (VS Unisystem support) Expand ROM (requires Nflate) Apply IPS, UPS, BPS, BDF and Xdelta patches

GitHub - floooh/chips: 8-bit chip and system emulators in standalone C headers

8-bit chip and system emulators in standalone C headers - GitHub - floooh/chips: 8-bit chip and system emulators in standalone C headers

Official Home of Dan Dare - Pilot of the Future

The Dan Dare Corporation owns the global rights including Film, Television, Radio, Social Media, Publishing and Merchandising to the Eagle Comic and associated strips including Dan Dare - Pilot of the Future. The Company also owns the global rights to other associated strips that appeared in the Eagle including Computer Warrior, Stormforce, Ghost Squad, Manix, The Fists of Danny Pyke, Crowe Street Comp, Walk or Die, Survival, The Amstore Computer and Detective Zed.

Rom Patcher JS

An online web-based ROM patcher. Supported formats: IPS, BPS, UPS, APS, RUP, PPF and xdelta.

C64 Music Editors Comparision

Comparison of C64 Music Editors I have created a large HTML table that compares a lot of music editors on the Commodore 64. You can use it for a ton of things. How much CPU time does a player from that editor use? How many SID chips does it support? Does it have multispeed? How many instruments can it have? Does it have this or that feature in a table? Almost anything you can imagine, this table aims to deliver.

BeeBox BeePi BeeKey

Welcome to Aranym OS Apps Archive, a site dedicated to Atari Emulation. The goal of this site is to provide a central place where you can find: BeeKey, BeePi and EasyAraMint system installs with disk images ready to use, set up with the latest updates. All the necessary and functional softwares to use with this system. Informations and tips on how to setup and optimize your modern Atari system.

SIDTool - "SIDs at your fingertips"

Free SIDPlayer Frontend to play C64 tunes on Windows PC

Gopher 2600

Gopher2600 is an emulator for the Atari 2600 written in the Go language. The accuracy of the emulation is very high and the 6507, TIA and RIOT chips appear to operate without bugs. Certainly, there are no known outstanding issues with any of the emulated chips. It compares favourably with Stella except for speed and final project polish.


CPCEC is an emulator of the family of home microcomputers Amstrad CPC (models 464, 664 and 6128) whose goal is to be loyal to the original hardware and efficient in standard modern systems. Thus it brings a faithful emulation of the Z80 microprocessor and it replicates the behavior of the CRTC 6845 and Gate Array video chips, the PSG AY-3-8912 sound chip, the remaining circuits found in the original hardware, and the tape deck and floppy disc drive that made possible loading and running software. ZXSEC is an emulator of the Sinclair Spectrum family (48k, 128k, +2/Plus2 and +3/Plus3) based on the components it shared with the Amstrad CPC family: the Z80 microprocessor, the PSG AY-3-8192 sound chip, the tape system and the NEC765 disc drive controller. CPCEC requires a Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system or later. The minimal hardware requirements are those fitting the operating system, and it's advised that the main microprocessor runs at 400 MHz at least. Screen resolution in pixels must be 800x600 at least. A sound card is optional. Using a joystick is optional, too. The source code of CPCEC and its binaries follow the GNU General Public License v3, described in the file GPL.TXT within the package.

Kio's home

This is the developer's homepage of zasm z80 assembler, zxsp and Mac Spectacle ZX Spectrum simulators, vipsi VIP script interpreter, EDEN fantasy role playing game, Das Schneider CPC Systembuch and lots of other stuff.

At our site you can totally free without registration download games on their favorite game consoles: Sony PlayStation ( PSX ), Sega Dreamcast (DC), Sega CD ( Sega MegaCD ), Panasonic 3DO, Sega MegaDrive ( SMD ), Sega 32X, Atari Jaguar, Atari Jaguar CD and other equally well-known console. We also have a lot of useful and interesting information, such as codes, tips, secrets for games, etc. A user-friendly navigation helps you to find exactly what you need.


GERMAN REMIX GROUP Der Sinn hinter der von mir gegründeten GERMAN REMIX GROUP ist, das deutsche Remixer sich untereinander mit Tips und Kritik gegenseitig zur Verfügung stehen und eben auch mal ein gemeinsames Projekt auf die Beine zu stellen.Wie auch unsere erste CD - TRIBUTE TO JOCHEN HIPPEL. Natürlich mit der Zustimmung der jeweiligen original Komponisten. Die German Remix Group besteht aus mehreren deutschen Remixern. Da der ein oder andere von uns manchmal zeitlich begrenzt ist oder in anderen musikalischen Projekten steckt, sind nicht immer alle Remixer gleichzeitig mit Remixen auf der CD vertreten.

The Tipshop

A central archive for hints, tips, cheats, pokes and maps for Spectrum and SAM games.

About - QEMU

QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. When used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run OSes and programs made for one machine (e.g. an ARM board) on a different machine (e.g. your own PC). By using dynamic translation, it achieves very good performance. When used as a virtualizer, QEMU achieves near native performance by executing the guest code directly on the host CPU. QEMU supports virtualization when executing under the Xen hypervisor or using the KVM kernel module in Linux. When using KVM, QEMU can virtualize x86, server and embedded PowerPC, 64-bit POWER, S390, 32-bit and 64-bit ARM, and MIPS guests.


ARAnyM is a software virtual machine (similar to VirtualBox or Bochs) designed and developed for running 32-bit Atari ST/TT/Falcon operating systems (TOS, FreeMiNT, MagiC and Linux-m68k) and TOS/GEM applications on any kind of hardware - be it an IBM clone (read it as "PC" :-), an Apple, an Unix server, a graphics workstation or even a portable computer. ARAnyM is not meant as an emulator of Atari Falcon (even though it has a rather high Falcon software compatibility and includes most of Falcon custom chips including VIDEL and DSP). ARAnyM is better in the sense that it's not tied to specification of an existing Atari machine so we were free to select the most complete CPU (68040 with MMU) and FPU (68882), add loads of RAM (up to 4 GB), host accelerated graphics (even with OpenGL) and direct access to various host resources including sound, disk drives, optical storage devices (CD/DVD-ROMs), parallel port and more.

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